1. Introduction A. How often do you think about your spirit? B. Do you ever pay attention to your spirit? C. Can you remember a class or sermon about.


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Presentation transcript:

1. Introduction A. How often do you think about your spirit? B. Do you ever pay attention to your spirit? C. Can you remember a class or sermon about the human spirit? D. How many scriptures talk about the human spirit?

2. God’s design a. God created our spirit as well as our soul b. Functions of our Human Spirit 1) Communing with God 2) Lamp of the Lord 3) Sanctified by God 4) Joined to God 5) Moves us to do God’s will 6) Perception/Intuition 7) Bears witness

2. God’s design a. God created our spirit as well as our soul b. Functions of our Human Spirit 8) Gives strength health and life to body 9) Gives understanding 10) Enables our service to God 11) Seat of rejoicing 12) Worship comes from the spirit 13) Spirit is supposed to lead the soul and body

3. Satan’s plans to distort our ability to commune with God. a. How our human spirit can be harmed  Discouraging words  Abuse  Condemning words  Defeat  Failure  Witnessing a trauma/tragedy  Multitude of trials

3. Satan’s plans to distort our ability to commune with God. a. How our human spirit can be harmed  Lack of Nurture  Judgment and anger  Personal sin  Abandonment  Lack of food

3. Satan’s plans to distort our ability to commune with God. a. How our human spirit can be harmed b. Harmful/Sinful Conditions of the Human Spirit

4. Steps of restoring your love for God and others – 1 John 4:7-21 A. Communicated with God is Impacted B. Emotional Illness C. Physical Illness D. Mental Illness E. Damage to the Will

5. Healing the Human Spirit A. Passages relating to healing the Human Spirit B. Practical ways to experience healing of the human spirit C. Pursue God for your Healing D. Physical Illness

Sample Prayer  I come to you with my brokenness and I choose to forgive those who have hurt me. (Name those who have crushed your spirit) I know your word says you are near the brokenhearted and those who are crushed in spirit. I realize that some of my brokenness has come from not seeing and understanding your love for me. Some has come from not believing and trusting you to be my God. I repent for my wrong beliefs about how you see me and who you have created me to be. I repent for not seeking you when things have hurt me.

 I ask you now to come and restore my human spirit to its full stature. I ask that you would heal any brokenness in my spirit. I ask that you would reveal your love to me and show me once again how you feel about me. I need to know your love for me in my spirit man. I ask that you would restore peace in my spirit. I ask that you would restore Hope. I thank you that you are my restorer, my healer, my God.  In Jesus Name, Amen