Spoken Language Interaction in Telecommunication at ENST/CNRS-LTCI Gérard CHOLLET, Richard CROCE, Dijana PETROVSKA-DELACRETAZ, Marc SIGELLE, Pascal VAILLANT, François YVON ENST/CNRS-LTCI 46 rue Barrault PARIS cedex 13
Outline What is ENST/CNRS-LTCI ? Research and application topics: The SIROCCO project The EUREKA !2340 MAJORDOME project VoIP, VoiceXML, Human-Computer Interaction Perspectives
ENST: Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications CNRS: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique LTCI: Laboratoire de Traitement et Communication de lInformation Our affiliations
What is ENST? Ecole Nationale de Télécommunications classed among the Grandes Ecoles d'Ingénieurs. 250 state certified engineers each year. part of Groupement des Ecoles de Télécommunications
GET : Groupement des Ecoles de Télécommunication ENST ENST-Bretagne in Brest Institut National des Télécommunications in Évry Eurecom in Sophia-Antipolis ENIC (Ecole Nouvelle dIngénieurs en Télécoms) in Lille Institut des Applications Avancées de lInternet in Marseille
Academic departments within ENST COMELEC : Communications, Electronic, VLSI, … INFRES : Computer Science, Networking, NLP, … TSI : Signal and Image Processing, Speech, … EGSH : Economy, Management, Social Sciences, …
TSI Department : Signal and Image Processing "Image Processing and Understanding" "Statistical Signal Processing Applied to Communications" "Perception, Learning and Modelling" Very Low Bit Rate Speech Coding Speech Recognition, Speaker Verification "Coding" Speech and Sound compression "Audio, Acoustics and Waves" acoustical antennas, audio protheses
SIROCCO project Unlimited Vocabulary Speech Recognition INRIA (IRISA et LORIA), LIA, IRIT, ENST-LTCI
SIROCCO Unlimited vocabulary speech recognition system French lexicon (MathLex) with 64kwords (AUF task) Feature extraction with Spro (G. Gravier) Context-dependent HMM phone models Word pronunciation graph Uses CMU-Toolkit for Language modeling Beam search for word hypothesis Rescoring of word hypothesis by A*
«MAJORDOME» Unified Messaging System Eureka Projet no 2340 EDFHolistique D. Bahu-Leyser, G. Chollet, R. Croce, K. Hallouli, J. Kharroubi, D. Kofman, L. Likforman, E. Matta-Sanchez, D. Petrovska, M. Sigelle, P. Vaillant, F. Yvon
Majordomes Functionalities Speaker verification Dialogue Routing Updating the agenda Automatic summary Voice Fax
Overview of Majordome Background tasks (server-side only): sorting and filtering messages from different sources ( , voice, fax, SMS,…); extracting relevant information for reporting to user (names of senders, subject,…). Dialogue with the user: over phone or Web. The system presents the state of the mailbox, the type of messages, their sender, subject, and may sum them up or read them on request; The users access their mailbox, addressbook, time schedule, or URIs (Web addresses).
Voice technology in Majordome Server side background tasks: continuous speech recognition applied to voice messages upon reception Detection of sender name and subject User interaction: Speakers identification Speech recognition (receiving users commands through voice interaction) Text-to-speech synthesis (reading text summaries, s or faxes)
Voice Over IP Platform Network /11 Network /11 Visio con ference VTHD Renater Unisphere ERX-700 1Gbps (FO Interne) ENST-Paris RTC/RNIS Intranet GK PBX GWIPVR 1Gbps Cisco Catalyst 6507 Salle C-234 Salle PBX Salle C-234 Network /11 Video Server Distance Learning Service
Majordome partners
Majordome / NetCentrex project IP-VR NetCentrex Recorder Machine Usual # NetCentrex # Calling person Is the called person here ? Vocal Usual user called PABX /Gateway ENST -Call Control Server -Application Server No response NetCentrex user called
Majordome / NetCentrex project Usual # NetCentrex # IP-VR NetCentrex Calling person PABX /Gateway ENST -Call Control Server -Application Server Usual user called Voice Interactive call Speaker verification Dialogue Vocal Routing Updating the agenda Automatic summary No response NetCentrex user called
A framework: A L I S P A utomatic L anguage I ndependent S peech P rocessing with applications in Speech Coding, Synthesis, Recognition, Speaker Verification and Language Identification
Perspectives The application context of the Majordome project could be of interest to COST-278. The Majordome/NetCentrex platform could be made available to interested partners. HTK, ISIP and SIROCCO softwares are available as freeware. One of them will be used on the NetCentrex platform.