OneWorldInsight.comOneWorldInsig Critical Thinking The Brain One trillion cells compose the brain. 100 billion of them are neurons. This makes the number of possible journeys through the brain almost infinite. Your Comments… “The unexamined life is not worth living.” Socrates Plato Plato thought we were born with ideas and that these innate ideas were as close as we could come to divinity. Descartes “…it is not enough to have a good mind. The main thing is to use it well.” Les Discours Cats are really the supreme species… James Burke “Print allows you to hold another’s mind in your hand.” Mis-thinking Fulton Napoleon Your Comments… How do you think differently from other people? Man the emotional animal… “Man is an emotional animal, occasionally rational; and through his feelings he can be deceived to his heart’s content.” Will Durant, historian Cultural differences of pizza toppings… American Japan India sausage mushroom s squid pickled ginger American Beliefs… It is aceptable to kill animals Jesus is God Marrying for reasons other than love is immoral Money makes the world go around (In Germany America is described as where people live “the 40 minute hour”) Ego Defenses Ego defenses like denial, projection and rationalization are psychological coping strategies that distort reality in order to protect ourselves from anxiety, guilt, and other bad feelings. Maslow Most people tend to see what they NEED to see and what they WANT to see in order to maintain or strengthen positive feelings about themselves. William Penn In love or wherever it is found, passion is able to unseat reason, and rational thought becomes rationalized thought. Your Comments… How do you deal with anger? Your Comments… How do you deal with depression ? Five Thinking Errors 1 – Personalization – “world is me” 2 – Polarized thinking – “black and white” 3 – Overgeneralization – “everyone…” 4 – Catastrophizing – “worst outcomes” 5 – Selective abstractions – “one detail” Your Comments… The eye can handle 5 million bits of information per second but the brain only 500 bits. Thus the nervous system MUST SELECT and discriminate. Thus what we choose to see is greatly determined by our history and experiences. Why did the chicken cross the road? George Bush – We just want to know if the chicken is on our side or not. There is no middle ground here. The chicken is either for us or against us. Al Gore – I invented the chicken. And I invented the road. Therefore, this represents the application of two different functions of government in a new re-invented way. Why did the chicken cross the road? Pat Buchanan – The chicken is stealing a job from decent, hard working Americans. Jerry Falwell – The chicken is gay. Isn’t it obvious? Can’t you people see the plain truth that chicken is gay? Bill Gates – I have just released eChicken 2003, which will not only cross the road, but lay eggs, and balance your checkbook. Why did the chicken cross the road? Ernest Hemingway – To die. In the rain. Alone. Captain Kirk – To go boldly where no chicken has gone before. Colonel Sanders – I missed one? Sharper perception leads to sharper thinking Eagle nebula Bare Attention One of the meditation practices in Buddhism is to observe “what is” without imposing projections or words or values. What Is Going On! Galileo – The Price of Thinking Galileo was deemed a heretic for claiming the earth revolved around the sun. He was held under house arrest by the Holy Inquisition for his last ten years. Your Comments… Christian mystic Thomas Aquinas experienced tension between his experience and his theological life. At the end he said of his theology, “It is all straw!” Belonging to the Universe by Capra & Stenidle-Rast All Language Suffers… Generalization Distortion Deletion Truth is discovered, not created. Falling in Love… Falling in love changes the chemistry in the brain… What do you suppose anger does to the brain? Your Comments… Put in a world with mazes, bridges, and spinning wheels, even older rats developed an average of 2,000 new synapses per neuron! Is this perhaps why old people like your present instructor develop fewer cases of brain disease? Your Comments… Is the mind the same thing as the brain? Better yet…does consciousness exist outside the brain?