Map Projections Mr. Nolen Penncrest High School Media, PA Mr. Nolen Penncrest High School Media, PA
1. The only accurate way to represent the curved surface of the Earth is with a.
1. The only accurate way to represent the curved surface of the Earth is with a globe.
Map Projections
Conical Projections
Cylindrical Projections
Azimuthal Projections
2. are ways to draw the curved areas of the Earth on a flat surface.
2. Map projections are ways to draw the curved areas of the Earth on a flat surface.
3. All map projections have some. Different maps distort,, or the or of continents.
3. All map projections have some distortions. Different maps distort distance, direction, or the shape or size of continents.
4. Here are some common map projections.
Mercator Projection
I. Projection A. Shows accurately, so it is good for B. landmasses near the north and south pole C. Makes some countries look than they really are than they really are I. Projection A. Shows accurately, so it is good for B. landmasses near the north and south pole C. Makes some countries look than they really are than they really are
I. Mercator Projection A. Shows direction accurately, so it is good for navigation B. Enlarges landmasses near the north and south pole C. Makes some countries look bigger than they really are I. Mercator Projection A. Shows direction accurately, so it is good for navigation B. Enlarges landmasses near the north and south pole C. Makes some countries look bigger than they really are
Peters Projection
II. Projection A. Shows the correct of countries B. Distorts the of countries and continents II. Projection A. Shows the correct of countries B. Distorts the of countries and continents
II. Peters Projection A. Shows the correct size of countries B. Distorts the shape of countries and continents II. Peters Projection A. Shows the correct size of countries B. Distorts the shape of countries and continents
Robinson Projection
III. ________ Projection A. Makes many ___________ B. Nothing on this map is completely ___________ C. No major ___________ III. ________ Projection A. Makes many ___________ B. Nothing on this map is completely ___________ C. No major ___________
III. Robinson Projection A. Makes many compromises B. Nothing on this map is completely accurate C. No major distortions III. Robinson Projection A. Makes many compromises B. Nothing on this map is completely accurate C. No major distortions
5. Here are some other maps.
. This map splits the world in the middle of the _______ ________. People in ______ would like this map. I. This map splits the world in the middle of the _______ ________. People in ______ would like this map.
I. This map splits the world in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. People in China would like this map.
II. This map splits the world in the middle of Asia. People in the _________would like this map.
II. This map splits the world in the middle of Asia. People in the United States would like this map.
III. This map has ____ at the top of the map. People in would like this map.
III. This map has south at the top of the map. People in Australia would like this map.