Drugs Mr. Rudolph Psych I
Psychoactive Drugs and Consciousness 3 categories –Depressants (downers) Calm neural activity Slow bodily functions Alcohol, barbiturates, opiates –Stimulants (uppers) Temporarily excite neural activity Arouse bodily functions Nicotine, caffeine, amphetamines, cocaine –Hallucinogens Distort perceptions Evoke sensory images in the absence of sensory input Marijuana, PCP, LSD
Alcohol Physiological effects –Slows brain activity that controls judgment and inhibitions –Slow sympathetic NS –Slower reactions –Slurred speech –Deteriorated skilled performance Deteriorated skilled performanceDeteriorated skilled performance Beh. effects –Aggressiveness –More helpful when asked –Expectations Memory affected –Disrupts processing –Blackouts Reduces self-awareness Focus on immediate situation
Barbiturates (Tranquilizers) Numbutal, Seconal, Amytal, Luminal, Sodium Penothol –reds, blues, Amy’s, yellow jackets Depress Sympathetic NS activity –Large doses: Impair memory/judgment Lethal w/ alcohol Often used by those attempting suicide
Opiates Heroin, Opium, Morphine Physiological effects –Depress neural functioning Depress neural functioningDepress neural functioning effects –Bliss (pleasure) –Gnawing craving for stronger doses –Can eventually lead to overdose Addiction –When flooded w/ artificial opiates, brain stops producing endorphins –When addict stops using, the person goes through painful withdrawal
What do stimulants do? Speed up bodily functions –Increase heart and breathing rates Why are they used? –Stay awake –Lose weight –Boost mood –Increased athletic performance The “crash” –Body slows down
Nicotine Quitting –8% who try succeed (per year) –With withdrawal comes cravings, hunger, and irritability Physiological effects –Release epinephrine and norepinephrine –Central NS releases neurotransmitters Calm anxiety Reduce pain sensitivity
Amphetamines & Methamphetamines Amphetamines—usually pills Methamphetamines—smoked, snorted –Produce instant high –Speed, crank, crystal meth effects –Initial euphoria Periods of restlessness and repetitive beh.’s –Eventually leads to depression, insomnia, and addiction
Ecstasy X, XTC, E, Adam, Doves, Thizz Why is it used? –Lowers inhibitions –Relaxation How does it work –Blocks reuptake What does it do? –Increased awareness and energy –lowers their inhibitions and relaxes them –headaches, chills, eye twitching, jaw clenching, blurred vision and nausea –dehydration, hyperthermia and seizures
Cocaine How is it made? –Cocaine –Crack How does it work? –Blocks reuptake Blocks reuptakeBlocks reuptake What does it do? –Short term Bursts of energy, arousal, and alertness Tend to believe they are thinking more clearly and performing better (overestimated) Heavy doses—hallucinations and crawling bugs –Long term Emotional disturbance impotence Suspiciousness and paranoia Cardiac arrest –Local anesthetic
What are hallucinogens? Psychoactive drugs –Distort perceptions –Evoke vivid images Natural and synthetic
LSD (Acid) Chemically similar to serotonin Typical experience –Simple geometric forms (lattice, cobweb, spiral) –More meaningful images Tunnel Past emotional experiences –People frequently feel separated from their bodies –Experience realistic dreamlike scenes Often become panic-stricken or harm themselves –Similar to near-death experiences Tunnel vision Tunnel vision –Acid “flashbacks”
PCP (Angel Dust) How is it used? –Eaten, snorted, injected, or smoked –Effects felt for hours Physiological effects –Prevents reuptake of neurotransmitters effects –Users appear to be "disconnected" from their environment –Effects are different from LSD Causes changes in body image Feelings of terror and confusion –Low dose Euphoria, numbness, anxiety, confusion –Medium dose Confusion, agitation, excessive salivation, "schizophrenic-type" behavior –High dose Seizures, respiratory failure, coma, stroke, DEATH
Marijuana Made from cannabis plant –THC Absorbed by lungs Short term effects –Mild euphoria to hallucinations and delusions –Impaired motor coordination and reaction time –Disrupted memory formation Long term effects –Questionable –More respiratory problems than tobacco users –High doses Delusions, paranoia, and terror Marijuana IS addictive