Good Practice Guide for VET Offshore Delivery Presentation on behalf of the NQC Moira Schulze & Sue Foster
Purpose of the workshop To outline the findings of NQC policy and research into offshore VET delivery Quality assurance of offshore VET delivery Internationalising Australian VET qualifications To introduce you to the Good practice guide on offshore VET delivery
Quality assurance of offshore VET Offshore VET is growing for both public and private providers Provides commercial opportunities & financial & reputational risks This project developed a model for QA of Offshore VET
What should drive a system of offshore quality monitoring? Protect & build reputation and confidence of the Australian VET system Assure quality and parity of student outcomes and experience Protect government interests Protect individual provider reputation & business interests.
Characteristics of a ‘transition model’ Based on accurate data (evidence) Accurate risk assessment of all providers delivering offshore Encourage and recognise efforts to monitor, review and continuously improve offshore delivery. A national, streamlined approach with a single point of coordination & readily understood Builds on what’s already there.
Model for QA of offshore VET 1. Improved information and badging to the offshore market – voluntary membership listing with strong incentives to achieve listing. 2. Compulsory national annual data collection from all public and private providers regarding programs, enrolments and location of offshore delivery. 3. Initial enhanced risk assessment – desktop audit based on enhanced/more detailed guidelines. High, medium and low risk offshore providers identified. 4. Detailed offshore site visits of high risk providers as per enhanced risk guidelines. –strong quality improvement focus, not only AQTF compliance –supplemented by AEI/AUSTRADE offshore intelligence –conducted by experienced specialist national audit team. 5. Results of offshore visits in public domain, as per current AUQA model. 6. Membership / badging informed by site visit results, eg. major noncompliance as a provider.
Trial to date – data collection In 2009 105 private providers (2% of all registered private RTOs) 37 public providers (61% of all Australian TAFE) 73,271 students Largely in diplomas Across 68 countries Primarily in China (public & private providers) & New Zealand (private providers)
Internationalising offshore VET qualifications Purpose of the policy Maximise potential for Australian VET qualifications to support global mobility Preserve the integrity, validity and fitness for purpose of Australian VET qualifications for Australian industry
Contextualisation of qualifications & units of competency May substitute units of competency in a qualification Within packaging rules Where it does not distort the vocational integrity or fitness for purpose of the qualification If consistent with advice in the Training Package on contextualisation Contextualisation to individual learners or offshore contexts, must retain the integrity of the overall intended outcome of the unit Must not deliver less than the full requirements of the unit Can add material provided it does not – undermine vocational integrity, alter the AQF level, diminish the breadth of application of the unit or limit its portability and use.
The Good Practice Guide The model outlines key challenges – risks - good practice in planning and delivering Australian VET qualifications offshore The Guide is structured around a common set of issues What is the issue? The key considerations (for providers) How are providers dealing with the issue? Resources available to assist. Appendix – includes sample resources Using the Guide – different providers have different experience and issues – it is NOT a recipe
Assessment 15.Assessment & validation 16.Certification RESULTS / CHECK Exit strategy Quality assurance 17.Monitoring, review & continuous improvement IMPROVEMENT / ACT Go /No-go Preparation 2.Project inception / Business case approval 3.Partner choice / due diligence 4. Business planning 5. Detailed partner contracts & relationship management APPROACH / PLAN Objective 1. Initial Decision Go /No-go Exit strategy Project Management - Capability Ongoing monitoring & review 18. Project Management Delivery 6.Select appropriate offshore delivery models 7.Set quality requirements for offshore facilities 8. Ensure staff skills & qualifications 9.Student information selection & outcomes 10.English language competency 11. Contextualisation of VET programs 12.Provide learning resources 13.Determine provision of student information & support 14.Document educational leadership, coordination & support capacity DEPLOYMENT / DO Exit strategy
Sample of Step 1 Initial decision: Go / No-go Should we be involved in offshore delivery? Why? Do we have a realistic idea of what it will involve? Are commercial interests balanced by potential for educational quality?
Initial decision: Go / No-go Provider motivation Initial Decision: Go / No-Go Proposed partner motivation(s) Initial assessment of investment & returns Preparatory in-country research Initial assessment – provider capacity & standing Capacity Initial assessment provider capacity
Appendix 1.1 Self assessment checklist
Sample of Step 2 Project inception & business case approval Before final decision – identify key risks - Commercial & reputational Does the proposal have a strategic fit to overall strategic directions? Does it take account of onshore and offshore regulation, culture, context Have you conducted a site visit? Gain approval at highest levels of the organisation
Project inception & business case approval Australian Provider Internal strategic fit Project Proposal Approved Australian legal & policy context & decision making Detailed analysis of capacity Initial analysis of commercial viability Analysis of in-country legal & political context Detailed research in- country conditions Proposed Partner Partner analysis (Macro) Analysis of proposed delivery sites & staff
Project inception & business case approval Resources identified Project inception outline Business case development & approval model Challenger TAFE Toolkit templates and guides for: strategic and legal analysis; global analysis; country analysis; RTO capacity analysis; Partner macro analysis; Partner onsite visitor analysis Austrade contacts AEI country profiles Website at for information on offshore legislationhttp://
Other steps: Group activity Consider the section of the guide : Summarise the section with the rest of the group What are the issues and risks being addressed? What do YOU do or WOULD do? What else might be useful?
Partner choice & due diligence Australian Provider Requests written proposal Sound Business Partnership Established Assesses proposal & other documentation Assesses strategic & business ‘fit’ Undertakes detailed due diligence Provides documented proposal Hosts site visit to assess facilities & establish relationships Proposed Partner
Quality – Facilities & equipment Training Package or curriculum requirements Planning Facilities & Equipment Checklists Simulated environments Work with industry Document in training & assessment strategy Assessment Requirements Monitor facilities and equipment
Quality - Staff Skills & Qualifications Models Staff Skills Eligibility Staff selection Staff induction Mentoring Capacity Building Staff exchanges
Quality – assessment and validation Assessment Managing assessment Quality assurance of assessment Planning assessment Validation Moderation Staff capability Workplace assessment Conduct assessment Clear roles Continuous improvement & monitoring
Assessment 15.Assessment & validation 16.Certification RESULTS / CHECK Exit strategy Quality assurance 17.Monitoring, review & continuous improvement IMPROVEMENT / ACT Go /No-go Preparation 2.Project inception / Business case approval 3.Partner choice / due diligence 4. Business planning 5. Detailed partner contracts & relationship management APPROACH / PLAN Objective 1. Initial Decision Go /No-go Exit strategy Project Management - Capability Ongoing monitoring & review 18. Project Management Delivery 6.Select appropriate offshore delivery models 7.Set quality requirements for offshore facilities 8. Ensure staff skills & qualifications 9.Student information selection & outcomes 10.English language competency 11. Contextualisation of VET programs 12.Provide learning resources 13.Determine provision of student information & support 14.Document educational leadership, coordination & support capacity DEPLOYMENT / DO Exit strategy