{ So you need to start your 6 th concentration and you have no idea what to do next…. #APDRAWINGPROBLEMS
Frustrated? Angry? Hate your concentration? Bored?
Wake up and SNAP OUT OF IT!!!!!!
Look to other artists for INSPIRATION n_art_timeline.htm _art_timeline.htm DO SOME RESEARCH
Paint without any outlines on your paper! Attach your medium to a YARD STICK and draw really far away from your paper Draw or Paint in the dark! Use UNREALISTIC colors Make a WACKY DRAWING TOOL ---- Leave out some information about your subject Let your art medium drip, smudge, streak etc. If painting, use a really small brush or a really large oversized brush DO something DIFFERENT
Change up the COMPOSITION
Don’t just make marks…Make YOUR mark
Albrecht Durer
Hatching and cross hatching
Egon Schiele, contour line
Egon Schiele: Let your brush strokes show
Francis Bacon Layer marks
Make textures, scratch into your surface Wendy mcwilliams
Substitute Take your subject/idea and ask; what can you substitute? What can be used instead? Who else instead? What other images? Other materials? Other processes? Other places? Other approaches? Ask yourself: Instead of ____I can _____ investigation+growth
Combine What can you combine or bring together somehow? How about a using multiple images to create one new image? What materials, features, processes, people, products or components can I combine? Ask yourself; I can bring together ___ and ____
Adapt What can you adapt for use as a solution? What else is like this? What other idea does this suggest? Does the past offer a parallel? What could I appropriate? Who could I emulate? What part of the idea/subject could I change? And in exchange for what? What if I were to change the characteristics of a component? Ask yourself; I can adapt____ in this way _____to ___
Modify Can you change the item in some way? Change meaning, color, form, or shape? What are other changes? What if I distort the image? Exaggerate the image? Also: Magnify : What can you add? Longer? Thicker? Extra value? Duplicate? Multiply? Exaggerate? And: 'Minify' : What can you remove? Make smaller? Condense? Make lower, shorter or lighter? Omit? Streamline? Split up? Understate ? Ask yourself; I can change ___ in this ____way to____
Put to other uses or purposes How can you put the idea to different or another use or purpose? New ways to see it? Other uses if it is modified? Ask yourself; I can re-use _____ in this way____by____
Eliminate What can you eliminate? What can be removed? Think of what might happen if you eliminated various parts. Ask yourself; I can eliminate ____ by_____
Rearrange What can be rearranged in some way? Interchange components? What about the order or sequence? Transpose images? Reverse images? What about different angles ? Ask yourself; I can rearrange _____ like this _____such that______