Better Regulation Executive Making regulation work for everyone Role of Oversight Bodies for Regulatory Reform Claire Chaubert February 2007.


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Presentation transcript:

Better Regulation Executive Making regulation work for everyone Role of Oversight Bodies for Regulatory Reform Claire Chaubert February 2007

Regulation… is any government measure that seeks to change the behaviour of individuals or groups

Why does Regulation matter? Government intervention can: –Create unnecessary bureaucracy for private and public sectors –Add to firms’ costs –Reduce innovation, productivity and ultimately growth of the economy –Distort competition, e.g. create barriers to new firms –Damage small businesses –Have adverse impacts on different groups …But regulation is central to making markets work

Institutions  Better Regulation Executive  Better Regulation Commission  Line Ministries  Cabinet Committees (Panel on Regulatory Accountability)  Parliament  National Audit Office

Better Regulation Executive In 2005 the new “Better Regulation Executive” was established Supports and challenges departments and regulators to reduce and remove regulation across the private, public and voluntary sectors The Better Regulation Commission – an independent organisation made up of people from business, trade unions, professions and voluntary sector Listens to frontline staff, business and other stakeholders

Key Tools for regulatory oversight  Principles of good regulation  Regulatory Impact Assessments  RIA Guidance  Effective consultation  Networks across government  Policy and legislative clearance procedures

Line Ministries Regulatory Reform Minister Board Level Champions (senior civil servants) Departmental Better Regulation Units (day to day coordination) Three levels of control:

Ministers PANEL FOR REGULATORY ACCOUNTABILITY (Top level committee chaired by PM)  Scrutiny role on departmental regulations  Approves all regulations costing £20m+  Challenges and, where necessary, approves over-implementation of EU law

UK Parliament  All legislation laid before Parliament must be accompanied by an RIA  Includes secondary legislation such as Statutory Instruments, Orders, etc  Increased scrutiny of RIAs in legislative process  Select Committee interest

More information  Websites: