ToolKids A Series of Interactive Digital Tools for Children
A series of five interactive CDs of creative tools for the very young Universal and language-independent interface Gives understanding of the underlying principles of digital media, and their creative possibilities. Tools for creativity, imagination, innovation and lots of fun! Toolkids - A Series of Interactive Digital Tools for Children
Suitable for use anywhere, without requiring any translation or without any language constraints. Understanding of the underlying principles of digital media and their creative possibilities, acknowledging that digital tools (used in computers, or as embedded in various other digital creation equipment) will be the main tools of the new generation. Overview
All five Toolkids CDs share a common easy-to-use, language-independent interface; so as to reduce the learning time for a new module, and allow the child to start playing with a new module immediately. Toolkids can very easily substitute for many steps in early computer learning, as children would learn and master with ease many computer operations such as pointing, clicking, double-clicking, selecting, dragging, mouse controls etc. naturally and without any extra effort when playing with Toolkids fine motor control and hand-eye coordination are positive side-effects of using Toolkids. Overview
A set of Interactive Digital Tools for Children Designed to bring about an understanding of the basic principles, and parameters of digital media tools Ideal for developing the faculties of creativity, imagination and innovation. Material and images, chosen carefully to appeal and excite the very young. In the form of five interactive CDs. Material in the set is presented in 5 categories: Basic Tools, Combinations, Actions, Animations, Transformation Modules
Basic Tools A collection of 5 sets of basic digital tools: freehand drawing pens; line shapes to make line drawings and illustrations; colouring tools with images to colour; basic shapes and shapes-combining tools; and combination of all the basic tools in one easy-to-use interface for making more elaborate images. All tools come with demonstrations and samples, to explain and initiate the activity. Toolkids 1
Combinations Designed to develop creativity, imagination and innovative faculties by using the technique of combinations. An assortment of basic parts to be combined by the child in new ways to create new objects: buildings, trucks, cars, dress up kids, robots, creatures, and fishes etc. Great for idea generation, and as an introduction to the potential of combination’ as a tool for creativity. Toolkids 2
Actions An introduction to digital manipulation with an exhaustive set of actions and object combinations generating realistic motions or imaginary ones such as rotation, flipping, jumping, swinging, blinking, yo-yoing, shaking, scribbling, changing colour, exploding, and many more. The actions are performed in loop and when combined with sound can generate active screens with multiple objects performing multiple actions. Toolkids 3
Animation Perhaps the simplest animation application ever designed, allowing children to play with a variety of objects, backgrounds, paths, motions and movements, and sounds; to create professional looking animations on their own with drag-and drop ease. Open-ended and full of innovative possibilities, the motion module helps children understand and learn the basic parameters of digital animation. Toolkids 4
Transformation Introduction to the concepts of transformation and of changing form and properties through digital tools. Tools to enlarge and reduce, expand or compress, rotate and reflect; distort and modify; with a range of interesting activities to let children experience and understand the nature and the creative power of digital transformations. Toolkids 5
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