Military History
Students will inquire into, explore, assess, and evaluate Canada’s military, its roles and involvement in domestic and international affairs, and its relationship to political decision making process in times of war and peace across the time spectrum of history.
Military History
To separate Canada’s history from its military heritage is to potentially distort Canadian history. Since Confederation, Canada has had a military context which is intertwined with its growth as a nation from the pangs of birth to Canada’s ongoing struggle to establish its place in a globalized world.
Military History
“You can’t understand the present and look to the future without knowing about the past and military history helped me do that.” -Grade 9 student
Military History
“Military history changed my perspective on war, peace and what history is all about.” -Grade 12 Student Military History
“Military History enabled me to have a better idea about what my relatives who have experienced the horrors of war went through” -Grade 9 student Military History