Purple Day! LGBT History Month
We spoke a few weeks ago about LGBT issues and the purpose of LGBT History Month. Today, some of us are wearing purple to show our support for LGBT inclusion within our school.
LGBT History Month Purple Day came from a campaign in the United States of America from an organisation called GLAAD – Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation – who started something called Spirit Day on October 16 th 2010.
LGBT History Month
Let’s look at a short video which looks at the experience of an LGBT young person in a Scottish school. Something to think about: Have you seen or heard anything like this in our school? SHH – Silence helps homophobia
LGBT History Month While LGBT History Month is only in February, we hope that through these assemblies and you have a better understanding of LGBT issues in our school and will help to ensure that LGBT bullying in our school remains unacceptable, all year round.
LGBT History Month We’d like to think that everyone in our school is safe and happy to be here. Also, we hope that you all know that if you have any problems or issues, we’re here to help. If you want further information you can visit