F O R I N T E R N A L U S E O N L Y Cigna Global: Health, Life & Accident TECDP Fall Foundations October 2 nd, 2013 Laura DeWald, Matt Fugere, Tiffany Miller, Kyle Poor, Christine Recsetar, Dan Shilov, Mike Stone & Dan Veras
F O R I N T E R N A L U S E O N L Y Differentiator Direct to consumer distribution, customer insights and marketing capabilities Global Totals (Individual & Group) 15,000+ global workforce (9,500+ = distribution force, primarily telemarketers ) 30+ years of experience 11M customer relationships Servicing customers in 200+ countries /jurisdictions HL&A Local licenses and partnerships in approximately 20 countries and jurisdictions throughout Europe and Asia-Pacific South Korea Taiwan Indonesia Hong Kong United States European Union China New Zealand Thailand Turkey Key How we lead: We bring innovative products and services to the market we serve, primarily through our direct marketing expertise Our Value Prop: We seek to be recognized by individuals as the “go to” company for the best health and related products and services, providing easy to access, simple, affordable short-term, risk-based products to our customers around the world HL& A Business Overview
F O R I N T E R N A L U S E O N L Y Local licenses and partnerships in approximately 20 countries and jurisdictions throughout Europe and Asia-Pacific South Korea Taiwan Indonesia Hong Kong United States European Union China New Zealand Thailand Turkey Product Offerings Fixed cash payments for hospitalization Lump sum payment (critical illness; dental) Personal accident; personal credit protection Term life and variable life Travel and related insurance Medigap Distribution to Individuals Through affinity partner customer lists Expanding in other DtoC channels (Direct Response TV (DRTV); Internet and Bancassurance) Target individuals (typically middle class) Our Business: Health, Life & Accident
F O R I N T E R N A L U S E O N L Y Strategy We will become the leading direct insurance marketing company in Asia, and the leading global health services company in our chosen segments Strategy Execution: Deepening our reach in selected geographies and market segments, as well as accelerating our engagement with preferred health care professionals –In 2012 we extended our reach in Turkey through the Joint Venture with Finansbank and expanded in the US Medigap and supplemental lines through the acquisition –In 2011 we acquired FirstAssist in the UK which added a travel insurance product line and expanded our distribution channels –Moving forward, we will expand our customer centric capabilities, invest in China, expand our footprint and business lines, leverage our network and develop a high performance workforce –Successful execution of this plan will position us as the leading direct marketing company in Asian insurance markets and the leading global health services company in our chosen segments
F O R I N T E R N A L U S E O N L Y 5 Key Performance Drivers 5 Confidential, unpublished property of Cigna. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2013 Cigna
F O R I N T E R N A L U S E O N L Y Recent performance Profit –Revenue is increasing at a higher rate than Expenses (14.8% to 13.8%) –Growth of $33m in Net Income (‘12 to ‘13) –South Korea generated 54% of this segment’s revenue and 90% of earnings Assets –Operating Expenses have increased yr over yr and are projected to sustain growth People –Continue to be a differentiator for Cigna’s aggressive growth strategy
F O R I N T E R N A L U S E O N L Y Net Income Growth Total Revenue $ 1,322 $ 1,626 $ 2,090 $ 2,410 $ 2,825 $ 3,240 $ 3,660 $ 4,175 Total Expense $ 1,192 $ 1,492 $ 1,900 $ 2,174 $ 2,525 $ 2,868 $ 3,203 $ 3,620 Net Income (AFIT) $ 84 $ 97 $ 133 $ 166 $ 210 $ 261 $ 320 $ 389
F O R I N T E R N A L U S E O N L Y Competition - Intro Key Competitors –Locally-Based Insurance Co (Subsidiaries) –Traditionally the competition has been from this group. –Multinational Companies –Emerging players in this market, Cigna is a pioneer in this space –AXA –Allianz
F O R I N T E R N A L U S E O N L Y Competition – Comparison w/ Cigna Measures of Financial Strength (2012) –Earnings Per Share –CI: 5.61 –Allianz: –AXA: –Cash –CI: $2.91 Billion –Allianz: $12.4 Billion –AXA: $3 Billion –Revenue Growth –CI: 33.2 –Allianz: 5.5 % –AXA: 4.6% “In most overseas markets, perception of financial strength is also an important competitive factor.”
F O R I N T E R N A L U S E O N L Y AXA- The AXA group of companies engage in life, health and other forms of insurance, as well as investment management.lifehealthinsurance Strengths/ Weaknesses –$23.35 stock –Cash = $3 billion –Earnings per share = $2.23 –Revenue growth = 4.6% History- French global investment, retirement, and insurance group headquartered in Paris, established in 1816.
F O R I N T E R N A L U S E O N L Y Other External Factors Performance –69% earnings increase –JV with Finansbank –Acquisition of FirstAssist Strengths –Steady growth in an unsteady market –Direct-to-consumer distribution –Marketing –Physician relationships
F O R I N T E R N A L U S E O N L Y Other External Factors (cont’d) Weaknesses –Fragmented IT market-to-market Opportunities –Aging global population –Desire for personalization and information transparency –Social media emergence –Mobile technology dominance
F O R I N T E R N A L U S E O N L Y Other External Factors (cont’d) Threats –Tax fluctuation –37.7% earnings growth BEFORE tax –Economic instability –Consumer credit contraction –Global outreach of competitors
F O R I N T E R N A L U S E O N L Y How do key stakeholders – Cigna shareholders, customers, clients, etc.
F O R I N T E R N A L U S E O N L Y Key Stakeholders – View This Segment Cigna shareholders –Growth! Customers –E.g. Cancer Coverage Clients –South Korea, Taiwan, Indonesia, US, EU, China, New Zealand, Thailand and turkey. –50% Chinese JV –51% Turkey JV Outside the U.S., sales of our direct to consumer Health, Life and Accident business continues to grow by more than 20% per year. Our successful expansion into the Internet and direct response TV distribution complements our leading telemarketing capabilities.
F O R I N T E R N A L U S E O N L Y Effective December 31, 2012, Cigna changed its external reporting segments. The primary change is that the two businesses that comprised the former International segment (international health care and supplemental health, life and accident) are now reported as follows: 1) substantially all of the international health care business (comprised primarily of the global health benefits business) is now combined with the former Health Care segment and renamed Global Health Care; and 2) the supplemental health, life and accident business becomes a separate reporting segment named the Global Supplemental Benefits segment. In addition, certain disability and life products, previously reported in the former Health Care segment, are now reported in the Group Disability and Life segment. Prior period segment information has been conformed to the current reporting segments. See Cigna's Form 8-K filed on January 24, 2013 for additional information. Cigna acquired several businesses during 2012, including: The Turkey joint venture (JV) on November 9 for approximately $116 million, Great American Supplemental Benefits on August 31 for approximately $326 million, and HealthSpring on January 31 for approximately $3.8 billion. The financial results of these acquisitions are included in results from the date of acquisition. The Turkey JV and Great American Supplemental Benefits are included in the Global Supplemental Benefits segment and HealthSpring is included in the Global Health Care segment.
Offered by: Connecticut General Life Insurance Company or Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company. "Cigna,” the "Tree of Life" logo and "GO YOU" are registered service marks of Cigna Intellectual Property, Inc., licensed for use by Cigna Corporation and its operating subsidiaries. All products and services are provided by or through such operating subsidiaries and not by Cigna Corporation. Such operating subsidiaries include Connecticut General Life Insurance Company, Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company, and HMO or service company subsidiaries of Cigna Health Corporation and Cigna Dental Health, Inc. All models are used for illustrative purposes only /13 © 2013 Cigna. Some content provided under license.