Mrs. Harrington’s Class Student Celebration
World Pledge I pledge allegiance to the world, To care for earth and sea and sky, To cherish every living thing With peace and justice everywhere.
The Forgotten General John Stark Born in 1732 Born with Courage, Independence, and Dedication. When he was 81 he wrote a letter that said: Live free or Die, death is not one of the worst evils Live free or Die became the state motto. He died in 1822 on May 8, 8 years after Molly. John Stark By Sara Enokian
The Old Man on the Mountain Was 5,000 to 10,000 years old. His nose fell off first, Then the rest. He was in the White Mountains Where many people saw him. And we sure do miss The Old Man on the Mountain. By, Tyler Johnson
The Lady Slipper My petals are pink in early spring I grow wild on the forest floor I am the state wild flower The Lady Slipper By Kayla Derosiers
Sarah Josepha Hale Sarah Hale was born in 1788 In a small New England town called Newport She died at the age of 91 in 1879 She did great things like save Thanksgiving And that is what we remember her by. By, Hannah Merrow
Ode to the Purple Lilac Oh, purple lilac with your green leaves on your brown thick stem and the shade purple on your little lavender flowers! Oh, purple lilac I’m glad that you became New Hampshire’s State flower! By Amanda Smith
Alan Shepherd Alan Shepherd the first man in space. Alan floated like a balloon in space. Alan the fifth man on the moon. Alan born in East Derry N.H. Alan served in World War II. Alan died at age of 75. We were all sad. IN MEMORY OF ALAN SHEPHERD [ ] By Dakota Sargent
Concord Coach Long ago the Concord coach Could be seen along the road. Bringing people from far to near And carrying A heavy load. Pulled by horses and made of wood With skis for the winter cold The Concord coach was colorful And looked very bold. By Ben Platt
Ladybug Red and black with polka Dots on my back I fly away home I am the state bug The Ladybug By Irene Desrosiers
Newt Newt is the state amphibian because it would help stop pollution named in 1985 adult newts are green and yellow babies and have black spots By Zach Brown
The White Birch The white birch Became the state Tree in 1947 The tree is Also called the Canoe Birch or the Paper Birch. By, Kyle Stone
The White Tailed Deer Lives in New Hampshire Runs forty to fifty miles per hour Eats grass, buds, and flowers Can have points up to ten and eleven Brown with a white tail That’s how it got its name. By Colton St. Germain
Striped Bass Silver with black stripes. One of the most popular game fish. Caught by surfcasting with a rod and reel. Can weigh 50 pounds. Also known as the Rock fish. Spawns in estuaries and rivers. Populations have been reduced by pollution. By, Mark Griswold
Pumpkin I am very tasty I am usually orange or yellow I am a bright color I am now the state fruit Pumpkin By Walter Bushway
Franklin Pierce Born in Hillsborough, New Hampshire. Had 4 brothers and 3 sisters. Father a Revolutionary war officer. Went to Bowdoin college. Served in both houses of Congress. Fought in the Mexican war. Lawyer, then President. Elected President in The 14th President. Served as a President until Died at the age of 65. Only New Hampshire president -So Far! By Cale Manseau
New Hampshire’s State Capital New Hampshire’s state capital has a dome of gold. It was built in 1819 so it’s very old. It is made of granite and it’s very strong. It’s very tall and very long. In Concord you can go on a tour If you want to learn some more. That’s New Hampshire’s state capital building. By Andrian Baker
The Purple Finch The purple finch is our state bird It lives near swamps and wood, The purple finch eats buds of trees And seeds that taste good. The purple finch lays spotted eggs That are colored greenish blue, The purple finch has 300 species And THAT is true. The purple finch is never purple The female finch is always brown. They both have stripes of white, You might see them on the ground. By Caitlin Jones
Strawberry Banke 2 miles from the river’s mouth Captain Neal Spotted the berries He built a house called the great House People hunted, fished, and formed a trade Later in 1631 it was renamed our beloved Portsmouth By Hannah Merrow