Woodwork 9/10 Cutting Board Project. The purpose for this presentation is to give you a chance to look at other student’s projects from the past. Plus maybe help you jump start your own creation. Let’s see what other students have come up with!
Ace of Diamonds Western Maple base. Orange Padauk diamond inlays. The ‘A’ was burned in. Made by a female grade “9” student.
Africa Western Maple middle with Orange Padauk sides. The Africa continent is made from Orange Padauk. Made by a male grade “9” student.
Italy This project was made from a piece of Cocobolo. The Italy country inlay was made from a piece of Eastern Rock Maple. Made by a male grade “9” student.
Cutting Boards The one on the left is made by a male grade “10” student out of Black Walnut. It has a routered slot to run liquid from the cutting surface. The apple core is made by a female grade “10” student out of Western Maple core, Red Oak top and bottom, and a Black Walnut leaf.
BMW The middle of this symbol was made from Eastern Rock Maple. Black Walnut ring. The blue part is just painted on with Varathane colours. Made by a male grade “10” student.
Oh Canada This Canadian flag was made with a Eastern Rock Maple middle. Orange Padauk sides, and maple leaf inlay. Made by a male grade “9” student.
Chessboard Eastern Rock Maple light squares. Black Walnut dark squares. Black Walnut border. Made by a male grade “10” student.
Chessboard #2 Eastern Rock Maple light squares. Black Walnut dark squares. Wenge Wood border. Made by a female grade “10” student.
Cutting Board Shapes The fish shape was made from Zebrawood. The cookie shape was made from Western Maple, and Black Walnut chocolate chips. Notice the bite out of it! Checker board was made from Western Maple and Orange Padauk squares.
Cutting Board Shapes #2 The dog bone shape was made from Western Maple. The inlayed dog was made from a piece of Bubinga. Made by a female grade “9” student.
Cutting Board This cutting board was made from a Western Maple base, and a Zebrawood inlay. Made by a female grade “9” student.
Cutting Board Art This cutting board was made out of Eastern Rock Maple. Then art was added. Made by a female grade “10” student.
Cutting Board The center of this cutting board was made out of Western Maple, with Black Walnut sides. Notice the dowels on the end pieces. Made by a male grade “9” student.
Cutting Board This cutting board was made from two different species of wood. The light wood is Honduras Mahogany, and the dark wood is Purple Heart. Made by a male grade “9” student.
Cutting Board The base of this cutting board is made from Black Walnut. Inlay is with Purple Heart. Made by a female grade “10” student.
Cutting Board This octagon shaped cutting board was made of Western Maple. With the internal 45° angle boards made of Purple Heart. Made by a male grade “10” student.
Cutting Board This octagon shaped cutting board was made of Western Maple center. With alternating Orange Padauk and Purple Heart border pieces. Made by a male grade “10” student.
Fox Symbol Eastern Rock Maple back ground. Routered fox symbol with Orange Padauk eyes. The border on this project is made from Black Walnut. Made by a male grade “9” student.
Yin and Yang Symbol One side of the Yin and Yang symbol is Eastern Rock Maple. The other side is made from Black Walnut. Made by a female grade “10” student.
DC Symbol Orange Padauk back ground. Routered Eastern Rock Maple DC symbol and surrounding circle. Made by a male grade “10” student.
Maple Leaf Red Oak center, with the inlay being Orange Padauk. The right side border is made from Orange Padauk. The left side border is made from Wenge Wood. Made by a female grade “9” student.
Cleaver This Red Oak cutting board is cut in the shape of a meat cleaver. Made by a male grade “9” student.
Paint Palette Paint palette made of Western Maple. The paints are made from Purple Heart, Orange Padauk, Wenge Wood, and Black Walnut. Made be a male grade “10” student.
Puzzle This puzzle cutting board is made from Black Walnut, and Western Maple pieces. Made by a male grade “9” student.
Strawberry Strawberry body made from Western Maple. Seeds and top are made from Black Walnut. Made by a female grade “9” student.
Sun ( I think) Western Maple back ground. Inlayed with Orange Padauk, and Purple Heart. Made by a female grade “9” student.
Sun Center of sun is made from Eastern Rock Maple. The outside is made from Orange Padauk. Made by a female grade “9” student.
The Letter “T” The center of the panel was made from Philippine Mahogany. The outside edges and the routered out “T” was made from Wenge. Made by a female grade “9” student.
Nirvana This is by far the best inlay I have witnessed. The back ground is made from Western Maple, and the inlay is made from Black Walnut. Made by a grade “9” student.
Rolling Stones Western Maple back ground. The main part of the symbol is made from Orange Padauk. Then it has Black Walnut and Eastern Rock Maple for the other inlays. Made by a male grade “10” student.
Now it is your turn! Let’s see what you can come up with!