Don’t underestimate the importance of the ACCOMPANIMENT, it can: Support a melody Provide harmony Contrast sections Here is a few examples and ideas for composing and listening... Don’t underestimate the importance of the ACCOMPANIMENT, it can: Support a melody Provide harmony Contrast sections Here is a few examples and ideas for composing and listening...
Broken chords are exactly that! The notes of the chord played separately in various patterns. Broken chords are exactly that! The notes of the chord played separately in various patterns. An arpeggio is the root, 3 rd and 5 th played separately either ascending or descending.
The Ground Bass is a Bass Ostinato that forms the basis of an entire piece. Often used to underpin variations. The Ground Bass is a Bass Ostinato that forms the basis of an entire piece. Often used to underpin variations. Pachelbel’s Canon in D The Alberti Bass, used in the Classical period is a specific broken chord pattern of: Root - 5 th - 3 rd - 5 th.
Stabs are short bursting chords, that add emphasis to a melody, and rhythmic accents Here the second stab is sustained to create a pad supporting the melody. A short musical passage or rhythm that keeps the listener’s attention during breaks in the melody.
Sustained chords in the string section can add depth, warmth and richness. Ideal for developing a repeated section. Sustained chords in the string section can add depth, warmth and richness. Ideal for developing a repeated section. The rhythm section in Jazz provides chordal support to improvised solos. Guitarists and pianists use the 3 rd and extensions, avoiding the Root and 5 th which is covered by bass. The rhythm section in Jazz provides chordal support to improvised solos. Guitarists and pianists use the 3 rd and extensions, avoiding the Root and 5 th which is covered by bass.
The accompanist, (often harpsichord) would play the bass line and improvise the harmony using the ‘figures’ (numbers). The accompanist, (often harpsichord) would play the bass line and improvise the harmony using the ‘figures’ (numbers). The Basso Continuo or ‘Figured Bass’ was used in Baroque times. The number is the interval above the bass note. e.g. The note C with 3, 5 below would indicate to play C-E-G. The number is the interval above the bass note. e.g. The note C with 3, 5 below would indicate to play C-E-G.
How would you describe the notes of the chord played separately in various patterns? What do you call the root, 3 rd and 5 th played separately either ascending or descending? What do you call a Bass Ostinato that forms the basis of an entire piece. Often used to underpin variations? What do you call a Bass Ostinato that forms the basis of an entire piece. Often used to underpin variations? What is a short musical passage or rhythm that keeps the listener’s attention during breaks in the melody called? Questions…. Broken Chord Arpeggio Ground Bass Fill