The New BSc (Hons) Radiotherapy & Oncology Programme
Update curriculum to reflect changing knowledge & skills required for practice Take a Foundation approach to level 4 Integrate changes to University Assessment strategy & respond to student feedback Promote PPDP as a lifelong skill Make good use of resources & equipment Continue to provide effective student support Further improve preparation for placement & practice Encourage development of ‘Graduate level’ skills
Problem solving Communication Team working Reflective practice Patient centred care Understanding Service user involvement Professional attitudes Cultural awareness
Professional development Evaluating practice & new ways of working- entrepreneurship Development of transferable skills Use of online learning & IT Searching for & interacting with literature Basic statistics Writing skills
BSc (Hons) Radiotherapy & Oncology Certificate of Higher Education in Oncology Science & Technology (Level 4) Diploma of Higher Education in Oncology Science & Technology (Level 5) BSc in Oncology Science & Technology (Level 6)
Students need help to bridge the gap between previous education/life/work and expectations of university academic and clinical work So lets support & up-skill students over this year Key skills in early modules Use assessment & feedback to identify strengths & areas for development- academic & clinical supervision & mentorship Use peer assessment & group work to develop teamwork & student peer support Include the service user experience Develop autonomous learning
Emphasis on extended induction for students and the development of foundation skills: basic mathematics literacy skills, support for essay writing use of referencing systems completion of assignments & PPDP time management and study skills Begin development of wide range of skills e.g. oral presentation, use of evidence base, poster design, PPDP etc
Think retention! Settling in at university Mentorship from other students Socialisation More contact time in academic Variety of sessions lots of practical work Good preparation for clinical placement e.g. dealing with difficult situations, patient communication etc Development of practical skills through simulation- not overly high expectations in early clinical practice
AIM: To develop in you a fundamental knowledge of relational macroscopic, radiographic and cross-sectional anatomy to underpin academic study and radiotherapy practice. LEARNING OUTCOMES: BY ENGAGING SUCCESSFULLY WITH THIS MODULE YOU WILL BE ABLE TO Define and begin to accurately and appropriately apply terms fundamental to anatomy, physiology and radiotherapy practice. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of 3-dimensional relational anatomy Describe the features of major anatomical organs and structures Identify major organs and features on images from a relevant range of modalities
Lectures & Practical's using VERT & Online resources Terminology associated with anatomy, physiology and fundamental radiotherapy techniques/patient positioning. Anatomical systems: Skeletal, Integumentary, Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Lymphatic, Digestive, Urinary, Male Reproductive, Female Reproductive and Neurological Radiographic anatomy: Structure identification on conventional X-ray, MRI and CT
140 Credits 120 Credits
Largely unchanged some re-ordering of topics Emphasis on effective integration & assessment of anatomy More emphasis on service user experience- new developments piloted & evaluated very well with students Better links with physics & clinical
Integration of dose calculation into year 1 included as key part of assessment Removal of some redundant topic areas Less emphasis on planning as a skill on its own – better integrated into learning e.g. Anatomy, treatment approaches, patient set up error etc New emphasis on imaging/interpretation Better links to oncology & clinical
AIM: To enable you to critically assess issues that impact upon accuracy and reproducibility during the radiotherapy process and to debate how contemporary and leading edge technology can improve treatment delivery and verification, within the relevant legal, ethical and professional frameworks. LEARNING OUTCOMES: BY ENGAGING SUCCESSFULLY WITH THIS MODULE YOU WILL BE ABLE TO Discuss potential sources of random and systematic error in radiotherapy and make informed judgements as to their significance. Critically appraise methods of immobilisation in relation to managing patient and organ motion for a range of treatment sites. Critically evaluate the techniques and equipment available for delivering accurate and reproducible treatments, making informed judgements regarding their suitability for purpose. Critically evaluate the techniques and equipment available for verifying treatment delivery, making informed judgements regarding their suitability for purpose. Effectively use the literature to build arguments and create discussion and critically evaluate and make judgements about published evidence in the context of current and future practice. Communicate ideas and information effectively through relevant media in appropriately presented work.
Organ motion Immobilisation of patients Gating techniques 4-D Conformal Therapy Functional and biological imaging Image Guided Radiotherapy (IGRT) including portal imaging Imaging dose and IRMER Image handling and fusion Stereotactic radiotherapy/radiosurgery Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT) Tomotherapy Adaptive planning
Skills for health Service Improvement strategies Mentorship by/for students Recognising transferable skills Drive service forward in future Understanding & application of KSF & HPC SOP etc Responsibility as a member of the profession Current policy and documents affecting practice Incident reporting and errors The HPC Continual Professional Development Advanced and consultant practitioners Supporting learners in the workplace Mentoring practice CV development and interview techniques Preceptorship preparation
AIM: To provide you with a range of personal and professional skills which will enable you to facilitate the academic and clinical development of other practitioners in the clinical learning environment and prepare you as a fully equipped practitioner who is eligible for registration with Health Professions Council. LEARNING OUTCOMES BY ENGAGING SUCCESSFULLY WITH THIS MODULE YOU WILL BE ABLE TO Critically evaluate the application of effective strategies for supporting learners in the modern employment setting including the practice of mentorship. Critically assess personal contributions when undertaking the role of a clinical mentor and relate this to the underpinning theories of effective mentorship, clinical supervision and teamwork. Evaluate the work place in terms of its potential to promote positive practice outcomes for all stakeholders and formulate service improvement proposals. Critically assess and reflect upon professional guidelines and policies affecting Radiotherapy Practice. Demonstrate skills and attributes required of an emotionally intelligent practitioner, responsive to patients and practitioners needs. Employ skills of awareness to reflect upon situations and devise an appropriate course of action.
A programme of development throughout 3 years- not isolated modules Some are Collaborative modules some are shared learning e.g. research skills (Evidence) modules Key to meeting professional standards Core skills of reflection, evaluation of self & practice, interaction with evidence/research & planning professional & personal development Includes safeguarding children/adults & service improvement in year 3 (level 6)
Avoid entirely summative large pieces of work Better integration of activities/tasks to make sum total of module assessment Timing of assessments better thought out- avoid overlap in academic & clinical Use of in-module retrieval avoids trailing credit Allow module re-registration Changes to clinical case discussions to reflect practical activities/clinical skills and avoid repeated assessment of the same academic aspects
Students should throw away previous year 2 & 3 learning outcomes/portfolio sheets Refined & less outcomes! Clinical support sessions VERT PDF roles New case discussion format & questions (same for current yr 3) Clear expectations of achievement of competence for practice end of yr 2 & 3.
To all of the Clinical Staff, Managers, Service Users, Students & SHU team who helped in the evaluation of the previous programme & design of the new one!