Economist Intelligence Unit Democracy Index Rates the comparative state of democracy around the globe based on five categories: Electoral Process and Pluralism Functioning of Government Political Participation Political Culture Civil Liberties
Economist Intelligence Unit Democracy Index Based on 60 indicators grouped into five categories Uses combination of dichotomous and three- point scoring systems to create values for each indicator – Employs wide range of public opinion surveys and sources, including: World Values Survey Gallup polls Euro-, Afro-, Asian, and Latin American Barometer reports Various national surveys
Economist Intelligence Unit Democracy Index Electoral Process and Pluralism Example: Are elections for the national legislature and head of government free? – Considers whether elections are competitive in that electors are free to vote and are offered a range of choices. EIU Scores 1: Unrestricted conditions for presentation of candidates (i.e. no bans on major parties) 0.5: Some restrictions on electoral process 0: Single-party system or major impediments to electoral process (i.e. ban on major party or candidate)
Economist Intelligence Unit Democracy Index Electoral Process and Pluralism Are elections for the national legislature and head of government free? Are municipal elections both free and fair? Is there universal suffrage for all adults? Can citizens cast their vote free of significant threats to their security from state or non-state bodies? Are citizens free to form political parties that are independent of the government? Following elections, are the constitutional mechanisms for the orderly transfer of power from one government to another clear, established and accepted?
Economist Intelligence Unit Democracy Index Functioning of Government Do freely elected representatives determine government policy? Is there an effective system of checks and balances on the exercise of government authority? Is government free of undue influence by the military or other security services? Is the functioning of government open and transparent, with sufficient public access to information? How pervasive is corruption? How confident is the public in public servants and political parties?
Economist Intelligence Unit Democracy Index Political Participation and Political Culture What percent of the eligible population votes? Do minorities have reasonable autonomy and voice in the political process? Is there sufficient societal consensus to underpin stable, functioning democracy? Do authorities make a serious effort to promote political participation?
Economist Intelligence Unit Democracy Index Civil Liberties Is there free print and electronic media? Do institutions provide citizens with opportunity to successfully petition government to redress grievances? Is the judiciary independent from outside influence? Is there widespread religious freedom and tolerance? Are all citizens protected equally under the law? Is private property protected and business free from undue government influence?
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index Comprehensive measurement of the extent to which countries adhere to practical rule of law across 66 countries based on eight dimensions: Limited government powers Absence of corruption Order and security Fundamental rights Open government Effective regulatory enforcement Access to civil justice Effective criminal justice