Teaching and Learning Research Programme TLRP – a simple review and the significance of ‘underlying conceptions of learning and teaching’


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Presentation transcript:

Teaching and Learning Research Programme TLRP – a simple review and the significance of ‘underlying conceptions of learning and teaching’

Teaching and Learning Research Programme Background issues Criticisms of education research (More positive views of TLRP, but continuing general issues. NERF review. TLRP alliances with research associations and many others) Pressure for economic competitiveness (Unrelenting, but TLRP’s relevance being promoted) ‘Reform’ throughout the education system (But public service ‘delivery’ problems accumulating) Aspirations for evidence-informed policy (A rhetoric which opens doors for researchers) New researcher/practitioner/user alliances (Offering many opportunities to influence policy and practice)

Teaching and Learning Research Programme Positive statements? ‘Social science should be at the core of public policy making.’ ‘In my field of education, and others, we want to work with social scientists on how we can do better.’ ‘I commit myself to trying to work with you.’ Charles Clarke, MP, Secretary of State for Education and Skills (ESRC Summer Reception, Millbank, 24 th June 2003)

Teaching and Learning Research Programme Events to increase user engagement and awareness of TLRP Westminster Showcase, 25 th June 2003 Scottish Showcase, 17 th November 2003 (+ annual conference) Welsh Showcase, Tuesday 24th February 2004 (+ capacity building conference) Northern Irish Showcase (tbc), Wednesday 26th May 2004 (+ award holders’ conference)

Teaching and Learning Research Programme Still large (£26m+, 40+ investments etc, 300+ researchers) UK-wide (England, Scotland, Wales, N. Ireland, with new ‘extensions’) All phases of education covered (but some important issues omitted, hence ‘associated project’ opportunity) Empirical work (with particular impact emphasis 2008) RCBN (Gareth Rees, Chris Taylor and colleagues) (new initiative 05/08) Media Fellow (Martin Ince) Chair (David Watson to Bob Burgess) and Steering Committee Directors’ Team (Andrew Pollard, Mary James, Alan Brown, Kathryn Ecclestone, John Siraj-Blatchford)

Teaching and Learning Research Programme AIMS: Learning Outcomes Lifecourse Enrichment Expertise Improvement

Teaching and Learning Research Programme Many independent, but interlocking and cumulative, research activities A dilemma: encouraging creative diversity and coordination to maximise overall effect?

/9 Phase I Phase II Scottish extensions Phase III PROJECTS Welsh extensions Northern Irish extensions Associated projects

/9 Phase I Phase II Scottish extensions Phase III SECTORS Early Years education Primary education Secondary education Through schooling Further and post-16 education Higher education Workplace education CPD Lifelong learning Welsh extensions Northern Irish extensions Associated projects

/9 Phase I Phase II Scottish extensions Phase III THEMES User engagement Capacity building Neuroscience Learning outcomes Lifecourse International ICT Impact New Thematic seminars? Welsh extensions + Task Groups? Northern Irish extensions Associated projects

Teaching and Learning Research Programme PROGRAMME DEVELOPMENT: Early user engagement Knowledge generation by project teams Knowledge synthesis by thematic groups and seminar activity Knowledge transformation with further user engagement and proactive task groups Outputs for impact

Teaching and Learning Research Programme TLRP offers added value through: 1. analysing key issues 2. responding to contemporary events 3. building international cooperation 4. conceptualising key factors in teaching and learning

Teaching and Learning Research Programme 1. Analysing key issues: thematic groups, commissioned reports, etc User engagement and research Defining and researching outcomes Learning though the life-course Developing research capacity Multi-disciplinary research Transformation and impact The use of ICT in teaching & learning Neuro-science and education

Teaching and Learning Research Programme 2. Responding to contemporary events: ‘task groups’ Short-term groups supported by the Media Fellow and Directors’ Team, to work at short notice across the Programme on issues of immediate relevance to policy and/or practice, and to rapidly publish the outcomes

Teaching and Learning Research Programme 3. Building international cooperation: ERA-NET proposal being in preparation Many other international links

Teaching and Learning Research Programme 4. Conceptualising key factors in teaching and learning: An overarching challenge? The most enduring difference we could make would be to influence the basic ways in which people think about learning and teaching

Teaching and Learning Research Programme A parsimonious set of key factors Cumulative evidence of their empirical significance Conceptual clarity To even begin to offer a conceptual framework, we would need: An accessible language of description Imaginative anchors into existing culture To influence everyday thinking, we would need:

Teaching and Learning Research Programme Informal learning contexts Formal learning contexts Learners Learning Teachers Teaching Curriculum Interaction Information technology Assessment Outcomes Educational issues CONCEPTUALISATION? (cross-Programme analysis) DATA-BASE DESIGN (areas of expertise/particular interests) META-TAGGING (data-retrieval/integration)

Teaching and Learning Research Programme Conceptions of learning and teaching What conceptions of learning and teaching, broadly interpreted, underpin each project and the Programme as a whole? To explore and understand the similarities, differences and opportunities across the Programme as a whole, and to develop foundations for new thematic work in the future

Teaching and Learning Research Programme Lewis Macdonald, MSP Deputy Minister for Enterprise and Lifelong Learning, Scottish Executive

Teaching and Learning Research Programme Conceptions of learning and teaching What conceptions of learning and teaching, broadly interpreted, underpin each project and the Programme as a whole? To explore and understand the similarities, differences and opportunities across the Programme as a whole, and to develop foundations for new thematic work in the future

Teaching and Learning Research Programme A ‘directive mode’ thematic seminar competition? To be structured following the Edinburgh Conference To focus on and synthesise enduring cross-Programme issues with long-term analytic power To contribute to the development of an empirically-based conceptual framework in respect of teaching and learning Competition: Spring/Summer Selection: Summer/Autumn Start /5 academic year. End by December 2007 Provisionally, maybe six awards of up to £45k over three years? Selection by peer review and Steering Committee decision