International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) & International Accreditation Forum (IAF) 13 th International Legal Metrology Conference Sydney,


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Presentation transcript:

International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) & International Accreditation Forum (IAF) 13 th International Legal Metrology Conference Sydney, Australia 29 October 2008

International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation Established in 1977 to promote communication among laboratory accreditation bodies of the world. Formalized as a cooperation in 1996 and on 2 November 2000, a mutual recognition arrangement was signed, among those members which had successfully completed a peer evaluation. ILAC was incorporated in the Netherlands on 20 January Approx. 30,000 laboratories & 5,000 inspection bodies have been accredited by the 81 ILAC Full Members & Associates.

ILAC’s Global Role  Principal international forum for : Recognition of competent test and calibration labs world-wide through its Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) Development and appropriate harmonization of laboratory accreditation practice across the globe Promotion of laboratory accreditation as an effective mechanism for providing confidence in measurement results, which is essential for: (a)trade facilitation (b)socio-economic issues Assisting in the development of laboratory accreditation systems

ILAC Membership MEMBERSHIP CATEGORIES: –Full Members (Signatories); –Associates; –Affiliates; –Stakeholders; –Regional Cooperation Bodies; and –National Coordination Bodies. CURRENTLY: –61 Full Members from 47 economies; –20 Associates from 19 economies; –20 Affiliates from 18 economies; –4 Regional Cooperation Bodies; –1 National Coordination Body; and –26 Stakeholders. ILAC Membership as at 28 October 2008 totals 132 Organisations, from a total of 80 economies.

Established in 1993 to operate a program for the accreditation of bodies dealing with conformity assessment in the fields of management systems, products, services, personnel and other similar programmes of conformity assessment. On 22 January 1998 the Multilateral Recognition Arrangement (MLA) for Quality Management Systems (QMS) was signed and MLAs for Environmental Management Systems (EMS) and Product Certification (Product) were signed on 9 October Accreditation Bodies that are members of the IAF MLAs (QMS, EMS and Product) are required to recognise the certificates issued by certification/registration bodies accredited by all of the other signatories to that MLA. International Accreditation Forum

The number of IAF members now totals 78 Members, with 54 Accreditation Body Members 15 Association Members (9 Certification/Inspection Body Associations & 6 Industry/User Associations), 4 Regional Groups with Special Recognition being EA (European Cooperation for Accreditation), IAAC (Inter American Accreditation Cooperation),PAC (Pacific Accreditation Cooperation) and SADCA (Southern African Development Community in Accreditation), 1 Partner Member (ISO) and 4 Observer Members. IAF Membership

Status of ILAC MRA 61 Full Members representing 47 economies are signatories to the ILAC Arrangement (MRA). Currently, the MRAs of 3 of the 4 Regional Cooperation Body members in ILAC are recognised by ILAC (EA, APLAC and IAAC). Recognition of a region is achieved after successful peer evaluation by ILAC. Each recognised region undergoes a re-evaluation every 4 years. The MRAs of the recognised regions underpin the ILAC Arrangement (MRA). Signatories to the EA, APLAC and IAAC MRAs, who are also members of ILAC, are entitled to become signatories (Full Members) to the ILAC Arrangement.

Status of IAF MLA 40 accreditation bodies are signatories to the IAF Multilateral Recognition Arrangement (MLA) as at November Special Recognition of a region is achieved after successful peer evaluation by IAF, and each recognised region undergoes a re- evaluation every 4 years. The MLAs of the recognised regions underpin the IAF Multilateral Recognition Arrangement (MLA). Signatories to the EA, PAC and IAAC MLAs, who are also members of IAF, are entitled to become signatories to the corresponding IAF MLA.

Memorandum of Understanding signed between ILAC and the OIML in November 2006 and extended to the IAF in November A joint ILAC/OIML Working Program has been developed for 2007 and Meetings between the liaison officers for ILAC, IAF and OIML are held in March each year. Cooperation between ILAC, IAF and OIML

The ILAC/OIML Work Program for 2007 – 2008 focuses on three main areas: Identification and training of Lead Assessors (qualified by ILAC Full Member Accreditation Bodies) and Technical & Metrological Experts (qualified by the OIML). Participation of these trained personnel in the OIML peer assessments and in the assessments undertaken by the ILAC Full Member Accreditation Bodies. Common interpretation of the relevant ISO/IEC Standard, in this case ISO/IEC General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories. ILAC Cooperation with OIML

Plans are underway to develop a joint IAF/OIML Working Program as the cooperation between the two organisations develops further. The IAF/OIML Cooperation will also begin by focusing on the recognition of experts and a common interpretation of the relevant ISO/IEC Standards. Currently OIML has completed a guide for the application of ISO/IEC Guide 65 General requirements for bodies operating product certification systems. This guide will be updated to include a common interpretation of ISO/IEC when this document is finalised and published. IAF Cooperation with OIML

When accreditation is undertaken by an ILAC Full Member (MRA Signatory). The accreditation scope for accredited testing laboratories shall cover the type approval testing according to the relevant OIML Recommendation. The accreditation assessment team shall include a Technical and Metrological Expert in the appropriate field of type approval. A recent example of this cooperation - Accreditation of the NMI undertaken by RvA in The Netherlands, where an OIML expert was part of the assessment team. Implementation of cooperation between ILAC and OIML within the MAA

Laboratories that have not been accredited undergo a peer assessment under the responsibility of the OIML. The peer assessment team shall include a Technical and Metrological Expert validated by the appropriate CPR (Committee on Participation Review). The team shall also include a Lead Assessor (qualified by an ILAC Full Member Accreditation Body) from the list prepared as part of the ILAC/OIML Joint Work Program. Recent examples of this cooperation - OIML peer assessments of NMIJ (Japan) and METAS (Switzerland) undertaken using Lead Assessors from ILAC Full Member Accreditation Bodies. Implementation of cooperation between ILAC and OIML within the MAA

Cooperation between National Accreditation Bodies (NAB) and Legal Metrology Bodies at the national level would serve to: –Increase the number of lead assessors willing to participate in OIML peer assessments –Facilitate training of NAB lead assessors in the field of legal metrology –Facilitate the promotion of technical and metrological experts to be used by NAB Future Development

Joint Committee on coordination of technical assistance to Developing Countries in Metrology, Accreditation and Standardization (JCDCMAS) ILAC, IAF and OIML comprise 3 of the 9 partner organisations that work together as part of the JCDCMAS. The other partner organisations are BIPM, ISO, UNIDO, IEC, ITC and ITU. The Aim of this committee is to provide a holistic approach to issues relating to metrology, accreditation and standardization in developing economies. BIPM currently holds the secretariat for the JCDCMAS.

Liaison Officers ILAC and IAF Peter van de Leemput (RvA) OIML Régine Gaucher (BIML)

For more information ….. ILAC Secretariat Website: IAF Secretariat Website: