Doctoral Studies and the Synergy between Higher Education and Research Sybille Reichert, Zurich The Bologna Process Bergen, May
2 There is a wide agreement on the values that should underpin doctoral training (advancement of knowledge through original research, academic freedom, research of value to economic and social advancement) We know which problems have to be addressed: Quality of mentoring has to be improved Not enough embedding of doctoral training in institutional strategies and structures Not enough attention to social and interdisciplinary integration of doctoral candidates (graduate schools) Not enough attention to career development and preparation for non-academic labour markets Not enough money to allow for adequate fellowships, scientific equipment, professorial time for mentoring Large Consensus on Values, Problems and Good Practice
3 Consensus on Good Practice European Charter for Researchers and the European Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers Salzburg Recommendations on Doctoral Training –Embedding doctoral training in institutional strategies and policies –Recognising doctoral candidates as professionals, early stage researchers –Quality of mentoring –Achieving critical mass, promoting of innovative structures –Mobility –Appropriate funding Good practice of doctoral training in the US –Synergy between Doctoral Education and Research –Active Graduate Schools, where the –Quality of Mentoring, established graduate “Plan of Study” Template, –Diverse and Competitive Funding Sources, –regular assessment of the quality of all doctoral programmes –Institutional Autonomy
4 Time for Action Follow-up on how the European Charter for Researchers and the Salzburg Recommendations are being implemented at national and institutional level (European Commission, EUA) Creating peer pressure while taking account of diverse conditions (Bologna success story)
5 Challenges to be addressed: Tensions between Ressearch for Competitiveness and Regional Development Being internationally competitive in research and doctoral training (critical mass, concentration of excellence, interface between different disciplines) Doing justice to the importance of university research as a motor for regional development Comparison needed of how different nations and regions address this tension in order to make recommendations how to design complementary instruments for both concerns, at national and at European level Proceed with caution