THE EU FRAMEWORK FOR INTEGRATION Didier Boone BE National Contact Point on Integration to the European Commission Brussels Regional Parliament - June 8th.


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Presentation transcript:

THE EU FRAMEWORK FOR INTEGRATION Didier Boone BE National Contact Point on Integration to the European Commission Brussels Regional Parliament - June 8th 2011

The EU framework for the integration of third-country nationals  November 2004 (JHA Council): The Hague Programme strengthening freedom, security and justice  Need for greater co-ordination of national integration policies and EU activities based on common basic principles  Common Basic Principles (CBPs) for Immigrant Integration Policy in the EU  Underpin a coherent European framework for integration of third- country nationals

The EU framework for the integration of third-country nationals Common Basic Principles (Council Document 14615/04) 1. Two-way process 2. Common values 3. Employment 4. Knowledge of host society's language, history and institutions 5. Education 6. Access to institutions, goods and services. Non discrimination 7. Interaction between immigrants and MSs’ citizens 8. Inter-cultural and inter-religious dialogue 9. Participation 10. Mainstreaming 11. Indicators

The EU framework for the integration of third-country nationals 2004  BE NCPI mandate provided to the Centre for Equal Opportunities as requested by the Belgian federal Minister for Equal Opportunities  Approval from and close cooperation with the Belgian Regional authorities  Network of National Contact Points on Integration at the European Commission (27 MS + Norway) - DG Home / Unit Immigration and Integration

The EU framework for the integration of third-country nationals The Common Agenda  September 2005: Communication ‘A Common Agenda for Integration - Framework for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals in the EU’  proposals for concrete measures to put the CBPs into practice  supportive EU mechanisms to facilitate this process through co-operation and exchange of good practice

The implementation of the EU framework for the integration of third-country nationals Supportive EU mechanisms to co-operate and exchange good practice include:  The network of National Contact Points  Handbooks on Integration for Policy-Makers and Practitioners (2004, 2007, 2009)  Annual Reports on Immigration and Integration (2004, 2006, 2007)  European Website on Integration (2009):  European Integration Forum (2008)  European Integration Fund (2007 – 2013)

The EU framework for the integration of third-country nationals: European Ministerial Conferences on Integration  June Potsdam Ministerial Conference: input to Council conclusions on the strengthening of integration policies in the EU by promoting unity in diversity  November 2008 – Vichy Ministerial Conference: draft conclusions to be adopted by JHA Council (defining main areas of concern and prioritizing the development of two new tools)  April 2010 – Zaragoza Ministerial Conference: agreement on key aspects of integration and reiteration of proposed instruments

BE NCPI overall proceedings and achievements  Preparatory coordination of Ministerial Conferences on Integration  Comprehensive consultation for expert seminars, ad hoc questionnaires, Council working group meetings, …  Follow-up and contributions to main EC projects on Integration  Dissemination of EU related info on Integration 2008: Pas de Deux 2010: Expert Conference on European Integration Modules (Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU)

EU Integration Policy at a turning point  Legal basis: Lisbon Treaty and Stockholm Programme (2009)  EU 2020 Strategy Main domains of investment:  European Integration Modules  Common Indicators – Evaluation – Monitoring of Integration Policies

Towards a Second European Agenda on Integration To be published within weeks:  Participation in the labour market  Acquiring language knowledge  Efforts in education system  Developing a flexible European toolbox  Monitoring of results  Enhance multi-level cooperation  Mainstream integration priorities

Contact details :: Didier Boone :: National Contact Point on Integration EC – BELGIUM :: Centre for equal opportunities :: ::