1 Healthy Lives, Healthy People: a Public Health Workforce Strategy East Midlands Public Health Summit 17 June 2014
2 Context and consultation C ommitment in Health Lives, Healthy People in 2010 to consult on a public health workforce strategy Vital to underpin the Public Health Outcomes Framework Consultation in consultation events around the country and strategy published in May responses received from a range of individuals and organisations, NHS and local authority
3 The strategy Strategy published May 2013 Jointly branded – DH, LGA and PHE Series of commitments to be delivered by a range of organisations including PHE, DH, HEE, FPH and local government Review in 2015 Not about numbers but a series of concrete actions that can be taken to support the workforce at all levels of the system
4 The approach Many ideas in the strategy responded to suggestions made and gaps identified during consultation eg skills passport, support for specific sectors of the workforce Interdependencies between many – PHSKF, skills passport, minimum dataset Links to other activity outside the strategy – practitioner registration, revalidation, MECC, CfWI Collaboration, engagement and communication vital –one year on report –PHE PWD briefings –Workshop March 2014
5 Implementation Public Health Skills Passport Reference Group Engagement exercise to test concept and requirements Appointment project manager & procure provider Design and develop prototype Testing (?Q4) and evaluation Review Public Health Skills & Knowledge Framework 5
6 Implementation (cont.) Talent management initiative PHE role to ensure it has system has access to skilled individuals Allow careers to develop across whole system and not just parts or within single agency A national TM strategy – developed by TM Delivery Group Pilot a talent management programme – identify individuals with the potential to take influential roles at different levels 2 pathfinder cohorts (London and NW) - implementation by a Regional Oversight Group Individuals from mix of jobs/roles at the second turn in their careers Continued involvement of other regions/sub-regions in pilots and evaluation 6
7 Implementation (cont.) Public Health Workforce Projects – delivered by CfWI Consultant/Specialist Career Intentions Survey Public health mapping project Stock take of public health scientific workforce Public health knowledge and information workforce in PHE and LAs Public health nursing workforce Wider workforce DH funded workforce developments: K&I, academic, multi-disciplinary regional initiatives, scientists 7
8 Implementation (cont.) Guidance: Multi-disciplinary PH Teams in Local Gov Developed by a Working Group Focus on employment of Consultants and Directors of Public Health Outlines the challenges that councils have identified Description of development of PH teams prior to transfer to LAs Discussion of mix of skills and disciplines Advice on approaches to T’s & C’s, including equal pay risks Recommendations for future action at a national level around continuity of service Working Group will continue as Standing Group to deliver further work 8
9 Regulation of public health specialists Currently three regulators: –GMC, GDC statutory –UKPHR non-statutory Jan 2012 – Government announces statutory regulation through HCPC for those on UKPHR specialist register Consultation on a Section 60 Order before parliamentary recess Expect legislation in place by March 2015 HCPC consultations –Routes to registration, standards of proficiency, standards for registration and training, registration cycle
10 Ongoing implementation and engagement –review of public health skills and knowledge framework –Prototype of the skills passport –Migration of PHORCaST to HEE –National occupational codes –2 nd PHE nursing and midwifery conference July 2104 –New specialist curriculum to GMC and HCPC Jan 2015 –3 rd cohort of aspirant DPH programme Review of strategy in 2015 Next steps