Delivery Plan
As part of the overarching localism agenda, Councils are responsible for their own improvement. The Local Account is a key component of Adult Social Care (ASC) sector-led improvement. Local Accounts are designed to be a meaningful way of reporting back to citizens and consumers about ASC performance and engaging them in priorities and outcomes.
Provide a honest story of adult social care Show that we have used real evidence to underpin that story Show that we have involved and engaged with local people in informing the Account. Be open and transparent about what we need to improve, this is a self-assessment and not a promotional guide. Ensure it is outward-facing; to the point and easy to read.
Dudley Local Account – timeline for delivery FebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecJan Local Account Evaluation of 2011/12 LA - Survey Evaluation of 2011/12 LA – Analyse data Develop and finalise project plan with Healthwatch Dudley Commission Healthwatch Dudley to steer and lead reference group and LA development Reference group to support 3 LA workshops Produce first draft Consult on draft with stakeholders, local people, members Identify performance – source response to the we wills Identify performance - source evidence
Healthwatch Dudley (HWD) to steer and challenge Adult Social Care performance and achievements through 3 workshops HWD to facilitate 3 workshops with local people and stakeholders as a reference group: July – reviewing the previous Local Account; setting the scene; understanding the evidence; recommending key areas of content. September- considering 1 st draft October- revising and inputting into final draft.
User satisfaction- Adult social care survey; Carers Survey; Take Control Get Involved findings; MIR engagement feedback. Performance information- strategic data; performance from bench-marked information- Towards Excellence and Social Care/ Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework Surveys- Personalisation survey Complaints and compliments Demand model Case studies MIR highlights reports You said/ we did
Public and people who use our services 2062 people through DCVS and Healthwatch Dudley mailing lists Posted on home and events pages of Healthwatch Dudley website and has had 1500 hits per month Sent press release inviting local people to attend local Account workshops Carers Forum Engagement Bank Partners CCG Dudley Group of Hospitals Patients panel Age Alliance Partnership Board Providers Forum Internal stakeholders Health & Wellbeing Board Corporate Board Making It Real Board DMG’s DMT Overview & Scrutiny Committee Safeguarding Board Cabinet