Graffiti Reporting A partnership of Local and State Government; My Local Services App enhancements
In February 2014 the Local Government Association (LGA) launched the My Local Services (MLS) mobile application across both the IOS and Android platforms. The LGA recognised that smart phone technology was directly impacting the way that individuals and community behave and communicate and that they could play a supporting role in enabling Councils to connect via this channel. The primary function of the mobile application was to establish a two way communication channel between Councils and the citizen. The MLS app has become highly successful since its release 12 months ago: 40 SA Councils have already adopted the platform Over 10,000 downloads and exponentially growing Executive Summary Page 2 One of the key features of the MLS App is the ‘report it’ function which allows an App user to deliver a customer action request (CAR) to their Council. Graffiti identification and removal is one such CAR. The opportunity exists for the Attorney Generals Department (AGD) to partner with Local Government to extend the functionality of the MLS application in order to: Provide status updates on submitted CARs back to the end user Capture statewide data on Graffiti identification and removal status Assist in reporting and response to graffiti Assist Councils in the identification of graffiti hot spots The following page outline an approach that will leverage existing infrastructure and technology to support the identification of and removal of graffiti across the State. “At 81% of the population Australia has fifth largest penetration of smart phones in the world.” Source Nielsen: The Australian Online Consumer Landscape, March 12
Project Objective Page 3 Local Government sees the MLS as the perfect vehicle to enhance the Government’s response to Graffiti. These thoughts are mirrored by the AGD based on the correspondence and conversations to date. The utilisation of the MLS application to underpin this project will prevent the duplication of effort across the different levels of Government. Importantly it guarantees immediate traction in the take up by Councils and the connection with an existing user base. The primary objective of the project is to: The following pages will outline both what activities are being proposed and the approach we intend to take. “Demonstrate Local and State Government’s ability to work together to eradicate Graffiti, clearly articulating our commitment to maintaining an attractive urban environment”
Proposed Solution Page 4 The proposed solution will consist of the following activities and deliverables: 1. The development of a generic web service API that will allow Councils to automate the consumption of CAR submissions directly into their core Local Government Software solution. The API will support two way communication to facilitate the provision of status updates back to the user. i.e. ‘the graffiti you reported has now been removed’ 2. The 68 Councils have varying levels of digital maturity therefore it is necessary to also develop a mechanism for the provision of user feedback using . This is to support Councils who are not in a position to deploy the fully automated solution for the provision status updates. 3. In order to promote the enhancements to the MLS app and the partnership between Local and State Government that made it possible we are proposing the development of a motion graphics video. The purpose of which is to further drive the use of the App to address graffiti. 4. Creation and collation of educational material surrounding graffiti removal which is to be made available via the MLS app and other online channels. 6. Project Management and stakeholder liaison is extremely important to the success of the solution. The LGA is well placed to fulfill this role due to existing relationships and track record of delivery with the MLS app. The parties involved include: Councils, LG Software vendors, AGD and our solution provider. The following charter defines the project’s core values: improve the experience of a user who submits a CAR with the provision of status updates be a promotional vehicle for both local and state government leverages existing Council IT systems and investment utilise existing infrastructure and investment in the MLS App be sustainable long term due to the ongoing funding via the LGA’s Electronic Services Program leverage existing stakeholder relationships with Councils and Council core system vendors
Solution diagram Page 5 Council Core System MLS Database (Statewide data)Two way communication (status updates)
Project Approach Page 6 The success of the MLS was based on a collaborative approach to the implementation which we intend to replicate for the proposed enhancements to MLS app. This will build on the success of the communication and consultation platform established when designing the initial release of the MLS App. Our service provider: The MLS App was made possible by the existence of a common CMS platform for the management of the majority of South Australia’s Council’s web presence. This service provides for a central repository of Council data stored in a common format that is leveraged by the App. Our service provider Deloitte Digital built and maintains this service and were also responsible for the development of the MLS App. As a result we would need to engage with them to develop the API in respect to the solution. Local Government Software vendors: Whilst this project will benefit from the previous success of the MLS app, it requires the cooperation of both the Councils and Local Government Software providers, in order to realise the benefits of the two way communication. In South Australia there are four key players that would cover the majority of the state. In order to encourage their involvement it is proposed that a budget be allocated to support the integration activities associated with each of the 4 main software vendors operating in South Australia. Promotional Activities We intend to develop an integrated marketing campaign to support the release of the enhancements to the App. The development of the motion capture video will be the primary asset used for promoting the App along with social media and traditional media such as press releases and print.
MLS Mobile App Page 7