ANAPHI competencies
2 Competency context PHERP (Commonwealth) programme funded National DELPHI process – very broad consultation in all states and territories 5 core and 2 underpinning areas of practice resulting in six areas of practice and 15 ‘units of competency’
3 MPH Foundation Competency Framework 2009
4 Competency structure Each practice area includes area has a number of competency elements Elements structured from basic to specialised elements Basic elements intended to be common throughout MPH programmes; specialised designed to be the basis for streams and project/thesis work Includes seven specific Indigenous elements of competence* * More on Indigenous competencies this afternoon
5 Underpinning knowledge Schedules of elements considered to be the basis for the elements of competency Many elements will not be taught in the areas where they appear in the document e.g. in Evidence Based Professional Practice ‘Research design and methods’ and ‘qualitative and quantitative data analysis …’ might appear in epidemiology, social health, subjects based on evidence synthesis, or research methods subjects
7 Epidemiology & Biostatistics competencies Monitoring and Surveillance 1. Monitor and evaluate population health data or indicators 2. Analyse quality of findings from a surveillance or screening program Underpinned with knowledge in the areas of demographic information, epidemiological measures, basic descriptive and inferential statistics, patterns of health and illness, components of a surveillance system
8 Epidemiology & Biostatistics competencies Disease prevention and control 3. Plan a disease/prevention control strategy 4. Formulate and implement a response to a public health emergency Underpinned with knowledge in the areas of epidemiologic measures, basic descriptive statistics, screening programmes, data collections, research design and appraisal, … distribution in communities
9 Epidemiology & Biostatistics competencies Evidence-based professional population health practice 14. Design a systematic, appropriate and ethical population health study and synthesise and articulate the findings 16. Collect, organise, critically analyse and articulate secondary information Underpinned with knowledge in the areas of research design and methods, data gathering, concepts of reliability, validity and responsiveness of measures
10 Applied Epidemiology & Biostatistics competencies But wait, there’s more … Health protection 6.3. Identify vulnerable population groups … underpinned by risk assessment techniques Health promotion 8. Prioritise population / community health needs underpinned by patterns of health injury and illness …, criteria for prioritising health interventions\ Health Policy, Planning and Management 13. Analyse/evaluate the management of a population level program/project underpinned by various applied areas of knowledge
11 Considerations Order of learning – should core subjects come first? Do epidemiology & biostatistics subjects underpin public health teaching? How useful are the competencies for constructive alignment with course content and designing / redesigning / evaluating appropriateness of content Different needs of undergrad / master / HD students