Review of the Practitioner Training Programme Joan Fletcher, HEE
Year 1 Scientific Basics Scientific Basis of Healthcare Science - Integrated Module across Body Systems will usually include informatics, maths and statistics [60] Professional Practice [10] Work-based Training 10 weeks Generic Curriculum Year 2 Techniques & Methods Generic Curriculum Professional Practice [10] Specialism Specific Curriculum Year 3 Application to Practice Work-base d Training 15 weeks [10] Work-based Training 25 weeks [20] Professional Practice [10] Division/Theme Specific Curriculum Scientific Basis of Healthcare Science [60] Research Methods [10] Scientific Basis of Healthcare Science Specialism [60] Principles of Scientific Measurement [30] Division/Theme Specific Curriculum Scientific Basis of Healthcare Science [50] Generic Curriculum *36 wks *40 wks *46 wks Practice Based Project [30] Discipline HIGH LEVEL FRAMEWORK INTEGRATED BSc (Hons) IN HEALTHCARE SCIENCE
Purpose of the PTP Review To develop a strategic approach to ongoing development and implementation of PTP To build on early success To ensure PTP produces graduates with the knowledge, skills, experience, attitudes and behaviours to meet NHS workforce requirements To minimise the risks to workforce supply
Evidence collected to test the hypothesis that the current strategic partnership between HE and NHS is the right delivery model and to define how the model will work through the current education and training infrastructure Views of stakeholders were sought and key stakeholders interviewed Views of employers via Placement Provider Survey Two workshops held in January last year Recommendations developed to take forward effective implementation Approach taken to the Review
Alignment with key elements of other MSC programmes Strengthened strategic partnership between HE and the NHS through shared investment, shared delivery and shared quality management Integrated and robust delivery model Clear link between workforce requirements, student numbers and placement provision A harmonised and consistent approach across LETBs to facilitate consistency in outputs A delivery model primarily managed at local level but with a shared approach to market management and placement management to ensure programmes are effectively managed across boundaries Key outcomes required
The recommendations focus on the those elements, particularly shared investment, shared delivery and shared quality which underpin and strengthen the strategic partnership. They also focus on a broader role for the National School of Healthcare Science in providing leadership and co-ordinating elements of PTP delivery. They are largely a natural progression and build on early examples of success. PTP Review Implementation Group is overseeing the development and delivery of an implementation plan Three working groups focussing on the development of: o a quality framework o an investment framework o a delivery framework Taking forward the recommendations
Quality Framework Standardisation of outputs by the development of an assessment strategy. Fully evidenced options paper in development. Clarification of the roles of HEI providers, School, Academy and LETBs in quality assurance with an emphasis on: o Academy’s role as detailed in their QA framework o How the School will support HEI providers o School’s role in accreditation of training environments o School’s role in maintenance of a placement database o Ensuring PTP included in the LDA between LETB and placement provider
Investment Framework Detailed workforce forecast and demand information at specialism level is improving as new ESR codes embedded. Strategic approach to provision of Graduate Diploma programmes. Updated shared investment model that can be applied consistently, supported by the demonstration of economic benefits. Evidence being gathered to inform options for financial support to alleviate the additional costs some students experience while on placement.
Delivery Framework Review options for delivery of year 2 and year 3 placements and agree preferred option. Review models for the management of placement provision and develop guidance. 12 HEIs plus employers and LETBs responded to the survey. o Variables impacting on choice of model include geography, size and workload of placement providers, variation in cohort size and existing financial support. o Key message – flexibility essential as long as competences achieved. For many a 40 week block assists with accommodation issues particularly where placements at a distance. o Number of placements impacts on viability of programmes. o National support is needed where there is a greater area.
Delivery Framework Review of curricula to ensure alignment with new and emerging roles, scientific advances and key NHS values. Steering Group being set up to take forward plan for generic curricula for 2015/16 start and specialist curricula for 2016/17 start. Development of a comprehensive marketing plan. Council for Healthcare Science in HE group looking at ways of raising the profile of PTP including: o Promotional materials o Simulation experiences o Evidence base of students’ progress beyond graduation o Number of applications received by UCAS NHS Careers working on material for HCS week. Also at Big Bang Fair and Skills Show at NEC.
How can you get involved? Being part of an Employers Reference Group providing information and advice to the Working Groups taking forward the development of the quality, investment and delivery frameworks.