The EU Framework on Non- Discrimination Mainstreaming and the Guidance of the Commission 12 February 2015 George Markopouliotis Head of the European Commission Representation in Cyprus
Contents Non-discrimination Equality mainstreaming in practice and diversity management
Discrimination EU's legislative arsenal ● Racial Equality Directive ● Employment Equality Directive ● Proposal for a Directive to extend the protection from discrimination on grounds of disability, age sexual orientation, religion or belief
Discrimination EC's support ● Promotion of dialogue on non-discrimination policy development in the Member States (High Level Group on Non-discrimination, Equality and Diversity ● Rights Equality and Citizenship Programme for ; budget ca 430 million euros ● Civil society
Non-discrimination and Equality mainstreaming Mainstreaming: the systematic incorporation of non- discrimination and equality concerns into all stages of the policy process Implemented on six grounds: gender, racial or ethnic origin, disability, age, religion or belief and sexual orientation Legal basis: Article 10 of the European Treaty
Non-discrimination and Equality mainstreaming Objectives 1. Compliance of the policy with the provisions of equal treatment legislation. 2. Elimination of barriers for groups experiencing inequality 3. To adapt the policy to the specific experience, situation and identity of different groups experiencing inequality. 4. To advance equality for groups experiencing inequality in the area covered by the policy. 5. To foster good relations between the wider society and groups experiencing inequality
Non-discrimination and Equality mainstreaming Benefits 1. Enable public policy to advance equality and to combat discrimination. 2. Support better policy development and better policy responses 3. Underpin coherence in public policy 4. Make the public policy process open and transparent. 5. Introduce a culture of impact assessment, monitoring and review into the public policy process and thus enhance the effectiveness of this policy
Non-discrimination and Equality mainstreaming Available at
Diversity management
Diversity Charters ● Voluntary diversity initiatives aimed at encouraging companies to implement and develop diversity policies ● Document outlining the measures the signatory will undertake to promote diversity and equal opportunities in the workplace ● companies representing 13.6 million employees in 14 countries of the European Union ● Survey: 95% found that the signing of the charter has had an impact on the development of their diversity policies and activities.
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