TRAINING & CHANGE MODELS FOR EDRMS What’s passing and failing?
Providing Keys to Success
Industry Profile Non-Government59%Government41% Services17%Federal / State23% Education8%Local18% Electricity, Gas, Water & Waste 7% Primary Industry6% Manufacturing3% Logistics2% Other16%
Distribution of Respondents 29% 11% 7% 19% 13% 4% 2% New Zealand – 6% Other – 7% 4%
Size of Rollout
Post Implementation Assessment 75% of completed implementations were judged a success by the respondents
Organisations with: Larger training & change budgets A previous history of EDRMS attempts Mature recordkeeping practices pre-implementation Achieved Superior Success Rates
Composition of Project Team
Experience of Project Manager 50% - Software rollout experience 85% - No rollout experience 92% - EDRMS rollout experience Success rate of project based on previous rollout experience of project manager
Importance of Communication Plans
Did you have a defined Communications Goal? 90% Yes 39% No Success Rate
Sponsors Belief ZERO
Stakeholders Belief
Change Techniques
Communication Mediums One way channels Two way channels Campaigns
Training Plan Effectiveness
End User Modes of Learning
Experience of Trainers 14% No Training Delivery 50% No EDRMS Experience 81% Training Delivery 86% EDRMS Experience Effect of prior experience in EDRMS and training delivery on success rate of project
Ongoing Support Model
Retro-fitting strategy
Retro-fitting Strategy
Measuring is Concurrent with Success
Key Findings 1. Experience makes a difference 2. Disbelief foretells doom 3. Success demands business involvement 4. User options underpin success 5. Have purpose, Design in detail
The Presenters Kevin Dwyer is a Change Management professional with more than 30 years’ experience in the planning, design and delivery of change management programs. Since the establishment of Change Factory in 2001 he has been involved in a diverse range of projects ranging from re- engineering processes to reduce risk to creating and revising performance management systems. He commenced working in EDRMS projects in 2009 as a partner in the REX project which was awarded the J. Eddis Linton Award for Excellence – Most Outstanding Group in Kevin can be contacted on: or Michelle Linton is a Learning & Development Manager with 24 years’ experience in the planning, design and delivery of training programs. Michelle has developed and delivered innovative, outcome focused EDRMS training for over 30 government and private organisations since Michelle’s pragmatic approach to learning strategies leading to application adoption has been enthusiastically welcomed by the industry. Linked Training is the training partner in the REX project which was awarded the J. Eddis Linton Award for Excellence – Most Outstanding Group in Michelle can be contacted on: or