Move Through Life Inc strategic plan
The Big Picture vision To inspire and enable adults to sustain a love of dance throughout their lives, so they are physically, creatively, mentally and socially active. mission To be the leading provider of training and performance opportunities for adult dancers in South Australia.
The Big Picture Values active participation throughout life building community via inclusion inventive artistic expression professionalism positive lifestyle choices challenging perceptions goal orientated
Goals 1.Establish a dance company for adults committed to developing a creative artistic practice, producing inventive choreography in atypical performance settings and continued professional development of its members. 2.Secure sustainable levels of income from a range of sources to underpin the organisation’s activities.
Goals 3. Build awareness in South Australia and the Australian dance and arts sectors. 4.Develop the skills of dancers, board members, operational committee, staff and volunteers and attract individuals with valuable skills and experience to join the organisation. 5.Organisational culture.
Goal 1 Dance Develop creative and performance skills of dancers and choreographers. Attract more dancers. Maintain and build on our existing production capacity. Provide an experience for the audience that offers more than a pure dance performance.
Goal 2 Sustainable levels of income Income generated from fees. Develop and maintain partnerships with key stakeholders. Secure grant funding. Build donations via tax deductibility. Secure sponsorships.
Goal 3 Awareness Clarify and promote our brand. Increase awareness in our target markets. Increase membership. Network within the arts, business and government sectors. Identify opportunities to showcase our work Build audiences.
Goal 4 Skills development & retention Optimise functioning of board and operational committee. Build team of volunteers. Develop staff team. Develop dancers.
Goal 5 Organisational Culture Develop appropriate policies, procedures and plans. Review internal communications. Develop values & behaviour guidelines. Develop system to manage risk. Build on our sense of community.
Longer term Look at: Flexible dance and office space. offer part time employment for key positions. Offer performance fee for company dancers. Review corporate performance / conventions market. Review concept of separate performance group. Expand operations interstate.