Medical terminology List 1
Aden/o R★ Gland Adenoma Adenitis
Adenoma ☤ Aden/oma Tumor of the gland Aden = gland -oma = tumor or mass Tumor of the gland
Adenitis ☤ Aden/itis Inflammation of the gland Aden = gland
Arthr/o R★ Joint Arthritis Arthroscopy Arthrogram
Arthritis ☤ Arthr/itis Inflammation of the joint Arthr/o = joint
Arthroscopy ☤ Arthr/o/scopy Process of visual examination of the joint Arthr/o = joint -scopy = process of visual examination Process of visual examination of the joint (Visualizing the joint)
Arthrogram ☤ Arthr/o/gram Record of the joint Arthr/o = joint
Bi/o R★ Life Biology Biologist (Biography) (Biopsy)
Biology ☤ Bi/o/logy Bi/o = life -logy = study of Study of life
Biologist ☤ A specialist in the study of life Bi/o/logist Bi/o = life -logist= Specialist in the study of A specialist in the study of life
Cardi/o R★ Heart Cardiology Cardiogram Cardiologist
Cardiology ☤ Cardi/o/logy Study of the heart Cardi/o = heart
Cardiogram ☤ Cardi/o/gram Record of the heart Cardi/o = heart;
Cardiologist ☤ Cardi/o/logist Specialist in the study of the heart Cardi/o = heart -logist = specialist in the study of Specialist in the study of the heart
Cerebr/o R★ Cerebrum (largest part of the brain) Cerebral
Cerebral ☤ Pertaining to the cerebrum Cerebr/al Cerebr = cerebrum Lobes of the cerebrum
Dermat/o R★ Skin Dermatitis Dermal Dermatologist Dermatology
Dermatitis ☤ Dermat/itis Inflammation of the skin Dermat = skin
Dermal ☤ Derm/al Pertaining to the skin Derm = skin
Dermatologist ☤ Specialist in skin Dermat/o/logist Dermato = skin -logist = specialist in the study of Specialist in skin
Dermatology ☤ The study of skin Dermat/o/logy Dermat/o = skin -logy = study of The study of skin
Enter/o R★ Intestines Enteritis Enteral
Enteritis ☤ Enter/itis Inflammation of the intestines Enter = intestines -itis = inflammation of Inflammation of the intestines
Enteral ☤ Enter/al Enter = intestines -al = pertaining to
Gastr/o R★ Stomach Gastroscopy Gastroenteritis
Gastroscopy ☤ Gastr/o/scopy Visual examination of the stomach Gastro = stomach; -scopy = process of visual examination Visual examination of the stomach
Gastroenteritis ☤ Gastr/o/enter/itis Gastr/o = stomach enter = intestines -itis = inflammation Inflammation of the stomach and intestines
Hemat/o R★ Blood Hematoma Hematologist Hematology
Hematoma ☤ Hemat/oma Tumor or mass of blood Hemat = blood
Hematologist ☤ Specialist in blood Hemat/o/logist Hemato = blood
Hematology ☤ Hemat/o/logy Study of blood Hemat/o = blood
Hepat/o R★ Liver Hepatitis Hepatic
Hepatitis ☤ Hepat/itis Inflammation of the liver Hepat = liver
SUFFIX - the word ending!
-al S★ Pertaining to Cerebral Cerebr/al Dermal Derm/al Pertaining to the cerebrum Dermal Derm/al Pertaining to the skin
-algia S★ Pain Arthralgia
Arthralgia ☤ arthr/algia Arthr = joint -algia = pain Pain in the joint
-gram S★ Record Arthrogram Arthr/o/gram Cardiogram Cardi/o/gram Record of the joint Cardiogram Cardi/o/gram Record of the heart
-ia S★ Condition of Phobia Pneumonia Condition of fear Condition of the lung Pertaining to fear Pertaining to respiratory???
-ic S★ Pertaining to Gastric Hepatic Hematic Pertaining to the stomach Pertaining to the liver Hematic
Hematic ☤ Hematic Pertaining to the blood Hemat/ic Hemat = blood
-itis S★ Inflammation Adenitis Dermatitis Enteritis Inflammation of the gland Dermatitis Inflammation of the skin Enteritis Inflammation of the intestines
-logist S★ Specialist Biologist Cardiologist Specialist in life Specialist of the heart
-logy S★ Study of Biology Study of life Cardiology Study of the heart
-oma S★ Tumor or mass Adenoma Hematoma Tumor of the gland Mass of blood
-scopy S★ Process of visual examination Gastroscopy Arthroscopy Process of visual examination of the stomach Arthroscopy Process of visual examination of the joint
Prefix - a word part attached to the beginning of the word
a- / an- P★ No, not Apnea Asymptomatic Asocial asymmetrical, Anaerobic Anarchy Anonymous
dia- P★ Complete, through Diagnosis Diarrhea Diaphragm Diagram
Diagram ☤ Dia/gram Dia = complete -gram = record A complete record
dys- P★ Dysentery Dyslexia Dysfunction Dystrophy Dysrhythmia Bad, painful, difficult, abnormal Dys/enter/y Dys = bad enter = intestines -y = condition Condition of bad intestines
hyper- P★ Excessive, more than normal (too much) Hyperactive Hypertension Hypersensitive
hypo- P★ Below, less than normal, under Hypothermia Hypotension hypothalamus
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