Complete “What I know about…” Thought for the Day… Warm-up
Medical Terminology Day 1
Objective: The student will be able to: 1) Describe the structures AND define terms related to the diagnostic procedures of the nervous system 2) Describe anesthesia/neurology specialties Lesson: Ch.10 The Nervous System Quiz 10 Monday, May 12th (A-day) or Tuesday, May 13 th (B-day)
Encephal/o and Cerebr/o Coordinates all activities of the body by receiving and transmitting messages throughout the body. Cerebrospinal Fluid ▪ Fluid that cushions and nourishes the brain and spinal cord Note: Cephal/o Head
Myel/o Transmits nerve impulses between the brain, limbs, and lower part of the body.
Neur/o Receive and transmit messages to and from all parts of the body. Myelin Sheath ▪ Protective covering of the neuron Neurotransmitters ▪ Chemical substances that make nerve impulse transmission possible
Get a textbook and define the rest of your word parts list.
Carotid Ultrasonography process of using sound to take a 3D picture of the carotid arteries to determine blood flow and plaque build-up Echoencephalography process of using sound to take a 2D picture of the brain structures
Electroencephalography Myelography
Types of Anesthetics Local- directly affects the surgical site ▪ Ex: minor dental procedures (cavity fillings) Regional- affects the area around major nerves (larger, but limited body area) ▪ Ex: Epidural Anesthesia General- affects the brain and entire body ▪ Ex: major surgery (requires assistive breathing device)
Anesthesia produced from injecting an anesthetic into the epidural space of the spinal cord Ex: childbirth
Anesthesiologist Anesthesiologist Physician Anesthetist Registered Nurse
Neurologist Neurologist Neurosurgeon Neurosurgeon
Complete Ch.10 Learning Exercises (day 1)
Discussed: The structures AND define terms related to the diagnostic procedures of the nervous system and anesthesia and neurology specialties. Next class topic: Terms related to neurology. Quiz 10 Monday, May 12th (A-day) or Tuesday, May 13 th (B-day)
Medical Terminology Day 2
Warm-Up B Thought for the Day… Warm-up
Objective: The student will be able to understands terms related to neurology. Lesson: The Nervous System Medical Specialty: Neurology (continued) True Life: “I Have a Traumatic Brain Injury” Quiz 10 Monday, May 12th (A-day) or Tuesday, May 13 th (B-day)
Migraine Headache Migraine Headache Throbbing pain on one side of the head with nausea, vomiting, and/or light sensitivity Head pain (headache) Cephalgia Inflammation of the brain Encephalitis Water (excess fluid) in the head Hydrocephalus Hernia/protrusion of the meninges Meningocele Inflammation of the meninges Meningitis Inflammation of the spinal cord Myelitis Delirium Acute condition of confusion, agitation, hallucinations (usually caused by high fever)
Damage that occurs to the brain when blood flow is disrupted
Concussion Concussion the violent shaking up of the brain Cerebral Contusion bruising of the brain tissue Cerebral Hematoma Cerebral Hematoma a collection of blood trapped in the tissues of the brain
Syncope Fainting Lethargy Lowered level of consciousness (drowsiness, apathy, reduced activity) Coma Deep state of unconsciousness ▪ No spontaneous eye movement, speech, or response to pain
Seizure disorder (recurrent/sudden episodes of surges of electrical activity in the brain)
Dementia progressive decline in mental abilities (memory/thinking/judgment) Alzheimer’s Disease Alzheimer’s Disease ▪ progressive deterioration of the brain structures that affect thought/memory/language/reasoning
Parkinson’s Disease progressive loss of control over muscle movements (tremors, bradykinesia, shuffling gait)
Burning pain Causalgia Condition of excessive sensation (sensitivity to touch/pain) Hyperesthesia Abnormal sensation (tingling/prickling) Paresthesia
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) a/myo/trophic lateral sclerosis “ without muscle development/nourishment” nerve cells deteriorate and cannot send impulses to the muscles which results in progressive muscle weakness and eventual paralysis ▪ Also called “Lou Gehrig’s Disease”
Guillain Barre Syndrome Autoimmune-related inflammation of the myelin sheath of peripheral nerves that can lead to temporary paralysis Multiple Sclerosis Multiple Sclerosis autoimmune-related demyelination which disrupts the transmission of nerve impulses
Bell’s Palsy -temporary paralysis of one of the 7 th cranial nerves Trigeminal Neuralgia - lightning-like pain from inflammation of one of the 5 th cranial nerves
Sciatica inflammation of a spinal nerve that results in pain in the thigh/leg
Video: Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Discussed: Terms related to neurology. Next class topic: Terms related to mental health. Quiz 10 Monday, May 12th (A-day) or Tuesday, May 13 th (B-day)
Medical Terminology Day 3
Warm-up C Thought for the Day… Warm-up
Objective: The student will be able to understands terms related to mental health. Lesson: The Nervous System Medical Specialty: Mental Health True Life: “I Have Schizophrenia” Quiz 10 Monday, May 12th (A-day) or Tuesday, May 13 th (B-day)
Psychiatrist Chemical dependency Emotional Problems Mental Illness Psychologist Emotional Problems
Autism Autism spectrum of disorders in which an individual cannot develop normal social relationships Dyslexia learning disability in which the brain cannot process symbols (reading disorder)
Insomnia Narcolepsy
Abnormal fear of (being on) top (high places) Acrophobia Abnormal fear of barriers (enclosed spaces) Claustrophobia
Panic Attack intense emotional feelings (fear/terror) with physical symptoms Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) characterized by recurrent/unwanted obsessions and compulsions (impulses to act)
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) characterized by symptoms of anxiety/sleep disorders/difficulty concentrating/emotional disturbances that may develop after a traumatic event Anxiolytic “Anxio/lytic” anxiety destroying medication that relieves anxiety and reduces tension (also known as an antianxiety or tranquilizer)
Madness to steal Kleptomania Madness (with setting) fires Pyromania Madness related to hair (pulling) Trichotillomania
Factitious Disorder condition in which an individual acts as if he/she has a physical illness when he/she is not really sick Hypochondriasis fear that one has a serious illness despite appropriate medical evaluation
Delusion a false personal belief Hallucination sensory perception (sight, touch, sound, smell, taste) experienced without actual stimulation
Schizophrenia a withdrawal from reality and disorganized thinking (with delusions and hallucinations) Mediation that works against the mind Antipsychotic
Discussed: The structures AND define terms related to the diagnostic procedures of the nervous system and anesthesia and neurology specialties. Next class topic: Terms related to neurology. Quiz 10 Monday, May 12th (A-day) or Tuesday, May 13 th (B-day)
Medical Terminology Day 4
NONE B-day - True Life: I Have a Schizophrenia A-day – Practice Day Thought for the Day… Warm-up
True Life: I Have a Schizophrenia
You will be divided into 5 groups Create a large-scale drawing(s) that depicts your assigned diseases/disorders You must not only include the word’s definition but also illustrate a picture of it! You have the class period to complete this assignment. This will be for a grade Pathology of the Brain & Spinal Cord (terms from the word-building) Strokes, Brain Injuries, Levels of Consciousness Epilepsy, Brain Disorders & Abnormal Sensations Nerve Disorders Mental Health ▪ Phobias ▪ Panic Attack, OCD ▪ Impulse Control Disorders ▪ Factitious, Hypochondriasis ▪ Schizophrenia
Discussed: The structures AND define terms related to the diagnostic procedures of the nervous system and anesthesia and neurology specialties. Next class topic: Terms related to neurology. Quiz 10 Monday, May 12th (A-day) or Tuesday, May 13 th (B-day)
Medical Terminology Day 5
Complete “What I know about…” Thought for the Day… Warm-up
Objective: The student will be able to understand terms related to the nervous system. Warm-Up: Warm-Up C & D Review: StudyStack/StudyWare Game: Jeopardy Game: Jeopardy Ch. 10 Quiz/ Grade In Class
Echoencephalography Anesthetist Anesthesiologist CephalgiaHydrocephalus MeningoceleDeliriumHemorrhagic Stroke Ischemic StrokeConcussion Cerebral Contusion Cerebral Hematoma SyncopeDementiaAlzheimer’s Parkinson’sCausalgiaHyperesthesiaParesthesiaALS Guillan-BarreMultiple Sclerosis Bell’s PalsyTrigeminal Neuralgia Sciatica PsychiatristPsychologistAutismDyslexiaPanic Attack AnxiolyticKleptomaniaPyromaniaTrichotillomaniaFactitious Disorder Hypochondriasis DelusionHallucinationSchizophreniaAntipsychotic