TKMB By Harper Lee Chapter 1 Notes
The Hook How does Harper Lee capture her reader’s attention? How does Harper Lee capture her reader’s attention? By leaving the reader with a mystery By leaving the reader with a mystery HOW DID JEM BREAK HIS ARM? HOW DID JEM BREAK HIS ARM?
Point of View First Person First Person Narrative Narrative Scout (Jean Louise) is the narrator Scout (Jean Louise) is the narrator Scout is an adult recalling her childhood and what she learned growing up Scout is an adult recalling her childhood and what she learned growing up
The Setting Maycomb, Alabama Maycomb, Alabama 1930s – After the Great Depression (a time of great poverty) 1930s – After the Great Depression (a time of great poverty)
Key Character – Arthur “Boo” Radley “The Boogey Man” “The Boogey Man” Kept inside the family home after misbehaving as a teenager Kept inside the family home after misbehaving as a teenager Became psychologically unbalanced/traumatized Became psychologically unbalanced/traumatized Never seen by the children and myths/rumors begin Never seen by the children and myths/rumors begin
Introduction of Themes 1) Growing up and the loss of innocence 1) Growing up and the loss of innocence Ex: Ex: 2) Courage 2) Courage Ex: Ex: 3) Showing compassion 3) Showing compassion Ex: Ex: