Steps in a Trial Street Law 2007. The Honorable…


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Presentation transcript:

Steps in a Trial Street Law 2007

The Honorable…

What do you know about criminal trials? You will be put in groups of On a sheet of paper: 1 st - Brainstorm as many different steps in a trial your group can think of…What have you seen on TV? What do you remember from your previous mock trial experience? 2 nd – Put those steps in order [3 minutes]

Dude, Where’s My Car? The Facts: Joe Harper went to the grocery store, parked his 1990 blue mini-van, and left his key in the ignition. When he came back an hour later, he got into and drove away in a 1990 blue mini- van that had a key in it…but this van was not his. Harper did not notice it was a different car until minutes after leaving the parking lot in someone else’s van. He was arrested for auto theft.

Dude, Can Joe Appeal? Auto theft requires that the accused person must have INTENDED to steal the car. Did Joe intend to steal the car? Does it matter that Joe intended to drive a 1990 blue mini-van out of the parking lot? This verdict could be reversed on the grounds that the judge gave the jury the wrong instructions.

Steps in a Trial Worksheet