1 Psycholinguistics Comprehension Phonological levelsounds Lexical words Syntactic sentences Discourse discourse Production Acquisition Psycholinguistics Carroll, David W Psychology of Language, third edition. Pacific Grove: Brooks/Cole Publishing Company, Chapter 4.
2 Articulatory Features of Phones Place of Articulation where constriction occurs Manner of Articulation how air obstructed: Voicing plus or minus vocal cord vibrations
3 Speech Rates words per minute phonetic segments per second (Liberman, 1970); Yeni-Komshian, Grace H Speech perception. In Psycholinguistics, second edition, pp Jean Berko Gleason and Nan Bernstein Ratner, editors. Fort Worth: Harcourt Brace College Publishers, p. 110.
4 Vowel Quadrangle as Function of F1 and F2 Language Files, seventh edition Nick Cipollone, Steven Hartman Keiser, Shravan Vasishth, editors. Columbus: Ohio State University Press, p. 70.
5 Consonant-Vowel Spectrograms Ashcraft, Mark H Human Memory and Cognition, second edition. New York: Harper Collins College Publishers, p. 385.
6 Coarticulation Ashcraft, Mark H Human Memory and Cognition, second edition. New York: Harper Collins College Publishers, p. 386.
7 Allophones of /t/ Tom Burton tried to steal a butter plate aspirated 2 glottalized 3 palatalized 4 elongated 5 unaspirated 6 flapped 7 unreleased
8 Coarticulation Study 1 Stimuli: 12 CV syllables (four fricatives in three vowel contexts: i, u, a; e.g., si, su, sa) Computer excised the vowel portion of each syllable. Procedure: Remaining "consonant" portion played to subjects. Task: Identify the missing vowel. Results: [i], [u] reliably identified; [a] not Conclusion: Fricative portion contains information about vowel Yeni-Komshian, Grace H. and S.D. Soli Recognition of vowels from information in fricatives: Perceptual evidence of fricative-vowel coarticulation. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 70: Cited (p. 137) in Yeni-Komishian, Grace H Speech Perception. In Psycholinguistics, Jean Berko Gleason and Nan Bernstein Ratner, editors, pp
9 Coarticulation Study 2 -1 Stimuli:C1VC2 syllables with [b]: bVb 9 different vowels: beeb, bib, babe, bob Computer divided syllables in X Y Z X: transition from C1 to V (Y); Z: transition from V to C2; Y central vocalic (vowel) portion Procedure:Subjects heard: 1. XYZ 2. X—Z (— is a silent gap) 3. Y (steady state portion) 4. Y (fixed length steady state portion) 5. XZ Task:Identify the vowel in each test stimulus
10 Coarticulation Study Results: Types 2 (X—Z), 1 (XYZ) accurate Types 3, 5 "significantly more errors" Type 4 worst Conclusion: "…formant transitions and vowel duration are more important cues to the identity of vowels than a fixed sample of the steady- state information." (126 b) Jenkins, J.J., W. Strange, T.R. Edman Identification of vowels in "vowelless" syllables. Perception & Psychophysics, 34(5): Cited (pp ) in Yeni-Komishian, Grace H Speech Perception. In Psycholinguistics, Jean Berko Gleason and Nan Bernstein Ratner, editors, pp
11 Fodor's Criteria for Modularity 1)domain specific 2)operates on a mandatory basis 3) fast 4) unaffected by feedback (from other modules) See Fodor, Jerry A The Modularity of Mind: An Essay on Faculty Psychology. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Cited (p. 77) in Carroll, David W Psychology of Language, third edition. Pacific Grove: Brooks/Cole Publishing Company, pp ,
14 Visual Influences on Speech Perception Procedure:Present visual picture of someone saying [ga] Synchronized with the sound [ba] Task:Subject identifies the sound heard Result:Subject "hears" and identifies it as [da] Conclusion:Place of articulation detected by eye Manner of articulation detected by ear MacDonald, J. & H. McGurk Visual influences on speech perception processes. Perception & Psychophysics, 24: Cited (p. 83) in Carroll, David W Psychology of Language, third edition. Pacific Grove: Brooks/Cole Publishing Company.
15 Levels of Processing for Aural and Visual Language SPEECH TRACE MODEL WRITING Phonological Word Word Phonetic Phone Letter Auditory Feature Feature Carroll, David W Psychology of Language, third edition. Pacific Grove: Brooks/Cole Publishing Company, Chapter 4.
16 Taylor et al. Study Results (Trend from Grade 1 to Grade 12) Duration of fixationsdecrease Regressions per 100 wordsdecrease Fixations per 100 words (-Regressions)decrease Number of words per fixationincrease Rate (WPM)increase Conclusions based on S.E. Taylor, H. Frackenpohl, & J.L. Pettee Grade level norms for the components of the fundamental reading skill. Educational Development Laboratories Research and Information Bulletin No. 3, Educational Development Laboratories. Cited (p. 93) in Carroll, David W Psychology of Language, third edition. Pacific Grove: Brooks/Cole Publishing Company.
17 Word-Superiority Effect -1 Stimuli:words, non-words, letters Procedure:Show subjects one of these using tachistoscope briefly: word(a word) owrd(a non-word) d or k(a letter) Task:Reply to "Did you see a given letter (e.g., "d") in final position?"
18 Word-Superiority Effect - 2 Results: More accurate if the letter appeared in a word. Conclusion: The word has an effect on letter recognition. There must be some top- down processing— though bottom-up processing can occur Reicher, G. M Perceptual recognition as a function of meaningfulness of stimulus material. Journal of Experimental Psychology 81: Cited (p. 93) in Carroll, David W Psychology of Language, third edition. Pacific Grove: Brooks/Cole Publishing Company.