2009 ORHS Research Project Sample Topic: To what extent did this cultural expression both reflect and/or shape our history?
1. Define the Task Select a piece of “popular culture” or a historical event from the 20 th century –Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, copyright Scottsboro Trials copyright Scottsboro Trials Examine that piece of “cultural expression” or event –read a summary of the novel –watched the movie, again in preparation for this paper
1. Define the Task, cont. Research the decade in which it was created or occurred and the decade(s) impacted by it Determine how that work reflected or shaped our history, or what work was reflective or helped shape this event –Recalled the 1930s research from the WebQuest –searched SIRS Decades, American Decades: 1930s & 1960s, and perused the books in the library –This work both reflected the events of the 1930s, specifically the Scottsboro Trial, & continues to shape understanding of equality & justice
2. Develop a Search Strategy What kinds of information do I need?What kinds of information do I need? –Primary sources –Detailed facts –Secondary sources –Background info. Where are the sources located? How can I get them?Where are the sources located? How can I get them? –ORHS & internet –access –Other libraries –Need to order What questions need to be answered?What questions need to be answered? –What was Lee’s intent? –What laws have been changed since 1960?
3. Locate and Access Info. Keyword List Harper Lee To Kill a Mockingbird American discrimination Trial by jury Lynchings Under Every Rock Websites Museums Unpublished Sources Library of Congress
4. Interact with the Info. Take notesTake notes green=direct quotation, concrete detail yellow=paraphrase/summary, concrete detail red=analysis, thoughts, commentary 1 fact per “card”1 fact per “card”
4. Interact with the Info., cont. PREPARING A TOPIC PROPOSAL FOR A RESEARCH ESSSAYPREPARING A TOPIC PROPOSAL FOR A RESEARCH ESSSAY DUE: 23 FEBRUARY 2009 (75 points)DUE: 23 FEBRUARY 2009 (75 points) -- Identify and narrow TOPIC (10 points) --Write a 3-D THESIS (15 points) * what?*how?*why? --Search and add 10 topic related sources to NoodleTools BIBLIOGRAPHY (50 points) --Start taking notes, NOW!
Topic To what extent did this cultural expression both reflect and/or shape our history?To what extent did this cultural expression both reflect and/or shape our history? To what extent reflect and/or shape our history?To what extent reflect and/or shape our history? Cultural expressionCultural expression Across generations, hugely Persuasively, extraordinarily To Kill a Mockingbird
Thesis WhatHOWWhyWhatHOWWhy Through the pages of Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, readers are transported to the 1930s hatred of one’s fellowman based solely on skin color, Through the pages of Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, readers, transported to the 1930s hatred of one’s fellowman based solely on skin color, feel the CUTTING AND HEALING QUALITIES of this cultural expression and walk away with lessons learned “in someone else’s shoes”. Does not contain HOW or Why…; also passive voice Does not contain to what extent…
Thesis WhatHOWWhyWhatHOWWhy Through the perception altering pages of Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, readers, transported to the 1930s acceptance of racial inequality, feel the CUTTING AND HEALING QUALITIES of this cultural expression and walk away with lessons learned “in someone else’s shoes”. inequality and qualities is awkward; strengthen why Through the perception altering pages of Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, readers, transported to the 1930s’ acceptance of racial inequality, feel the CUTTING AND HEALING TRAITS of this extraordinary cultural expression and carry with them, for life, lessons learned “in someone else’s shoes”. WhatHOWWhyWhatHOWWhy
Bibliography 10 topic related entries with annotation.10 topic related entries with annotation. Shared by 8:00 a.m., 23 February 2009.Shared by 8:00 a.m., 23 February 2009.