purdue library’s online resources for research: modern period patricia sullivan fall 2008
a brief introduction to database resources for historical work in rhetoric that can be used through purdue’s library web site
our library & online research materials still a physical repository of scholarly materials adding more online materials regularly - - both primary and scholarly an exciting time to be a scholar of history
getting started
locating our library’s online research materials Go to: Select among the choices: –Articles: keyword metasearch of article databases in various areas [will note if print/electronic versions available] –Catalog: books and other holdings in the Library –eJournals: digitized journals library subscribes to –Databases: databases library subscribes to
locating our library’s online research materials:2 this ppt covers databases Select the tab for databases and scroll for the one you want OR select “Arts and Humanities” [though several are in another subject] in “Databases by Subject” You’ll be asked for your login
locating our library’s online research materials:3 There are 88 databases in the “Arts and Humanities” List, some primary, more secondary Listed alphabetically, these have a brief description, years covered, and type of data
types of online materials for historical research primary historical sources online –Books –Mixed materials –Period periodicals/newspapers online sources for scholarly work –Locator and reference materials –Scholarly articles and books found online
primary sources online
primary sources in library’s online databases Books –EEBO [Early English Books Online] –ECCO [Eighteenth-C Collections Online] –Early American Imprints, Specialized/Mixed –Accessible Archives –Black Studies Center –Oxford English Dictionary –Women and Social Movements –Historical Statistics US Periodicals/Newspapers –American Periodical Series Online –British Newspapers –19th c U. S. Newspapers –Harp Week [Harper’s ] –London Times
Books Online
Early English Books Online EEBO contains over 125,000 titles listed in Pollard & Redgrave's Short-Title Catalogue ( ), Wing's Short-Title Catalogue ( ), and the Thomason Tracts ( ).
Eighteenth Century Collections Online ECCO offers full-text searchable facsimile pages of approximately 150,000 English- language and foreign- language books published in Britain and its colonies (including N. America) during the 18th century.
Early American Imprints, series 1: Full-text archive of nearly 37,000 early American publications based on Charles Evans' American Bibliography of all books, pamphlets, and periodical publications printed in the U.S. from the genesis of printing in 1639 down to the year 1800
Specialized/Mixed Sources
Primary Accessible Archives The library lists a number of collections housed here, including: –19th c African American Newspapers –Civil War Newspapers –The Liberator –The Pennsylvania Gazette –Godey’s Lady’s Book –American County Histories
Black Studies Center combines several resources in Black Studies: Schomburg Studies on the Black Experience, International Index to Black Periodicals (IIBP), historical black newspapers, and the Black Literature Index
Women and social movements Books, letters, images, scholarly essays, commentaries, and bibliographies documenting American women’s reform activities from the colonial period into the 20th century
historical statistics of the U.S. statistical information from the Census Bureau covering Covers –Population –Education –Work and welfare –Economic data –Governmental relations
Oxford English Dictionary OED is available online It traces the history of English words’ uses through more than 2.5 million quotations
Historical Periodicals & Newspapers
American Periodical Series Online Over 1,240 American magazines and journals that began publishing between 1740 and 1900, including general magazines, literary and professional journals, and other historically- significant periodicals. For periodicals that continued into the 20th c., the cut-off date is 1940.
British Newspapers Over 3 million pages of newspapers, news, books, and ephemera Includes: –17-18th c Burney collection –19th British Library collection –National & Regional papers from British Isles
British Newspapers Sortable using a –Basic search –Advanced search –Publication search –Location list So, you can know a news source, a time period, a person, a topic... And manage results
19th century U.S. newspapers 19th Century U.S. Newspapers provides searchable facsimile images of urban and regional newspapers, advertisements and illustrations included. Can search for keywords in a newspaper, in states, in cities Can specify ads, news, features, images,etc.
Times digital archives Covers London Times, Can search for keywords specifying type: –Advertising –News –Features –Editorials –Images/illustrations –Business –people
HarpWeek archives A searchable, full-text archive of Harper's Weekly ( ), one of America's leading illustrated newspapers. Contains facsimile images of all pages, including advertisements.
sources for scholarly work in our library’s online databases
Locator and reference sources Finding Agents –Arts & Humanities Citation Index –Archive Finders –ArchiveGrid –Current Contents –Dictionary of Literary Biography –MLA Directory Indexes/Abstracts –First Search’s Article First –Com Abstracts –Humanities Abstract [1907- present] –Iter [1784-current] –LLBA –MLA International Bib [1926- present] –Periodicals Index Online
Article First First Search’s searching home page (which includes FRANCIS and also education and communication)
Humanities abstracts Wilson’s searching home page Some articles are abstracted and some are full text
Iter Gateway to scholarship on medieval and renaissance topics
MLA International Bibliography covers literary and languages scholarship 1928-current
LLBA Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts is interdisciplinary and covers study of linguistics, language use, grammar, etc. from 1973
archives of scholarship in library’s online databases Periodicals –JSTOR –Periodical Archives Online –Project Muse Books –ACLS Humanities E- Book –America: History and Life –NetLibrary
JSTOR Online Archive of over 700 scholarly journals Usually includes vol 1 - volume ending 4-5 years ago You can find: CCC, College English, PMLA, Rhetoric Review, RSQ, Philosophy & Rhetoric, Hs of Education, to name a few
Periodicals Archive Online Periodicals Archive Online provides access to the full text of a growing number of periodicals indexed in Periodicals Index Online. Periodicals Archive Online contains over 500 journals, with 12.9 million article pages - over 1.9 million articles
Project Muse Includes 340+ journals in humanities and social sciences [various years covered] Many ways to search