A Mighty Avalanche-Issues Chart Causes of the Civil War
Missouri Compromise Missouri applied as a slave state Henry Clay came up with a compromise Maine would be admitted as a free state and Missouri would be a slave state No slavery north of 36º 30’ Missouri – Slave Maine - Free
NORTH Missouri Compromise FOR SOUTH FOR Jefferson Davis Abraham Lincoln
Wilmot Proviso David Wilmot proposal that slavery be banned in any territories ceded from Mexico Did not pass both Houses
Wilmot Proviso NORTH SOUTH FOR AGAINST Frederick Douglass Confederate Flag
Compromise of 1850 US needed to decide what to do with the Mexican Cession Clay & Douglas proposed that California be admitted as a free state New Mexico & Utah territories will use popular sovereignty to determine slave issue A strict Fugitive Slave Act No slave trade in Washington DC
Compromise of 1850 NORTH SOUTH Ulysses S. GrantJohn Wilkes Booth FOR
Fugitive Slave Act All Citizens are required to help return runaway slaves Special courts were set up without jury trial Judges received more money for deciding someone was a slave than for setting someone free Some northern states passed “personal liberty laws” as a protest
Fugitive Slave Act NORTH SOUTH General William T. ShermanGeneral Stonewall Jackson FOR AGAINST
Uncle Tom’s Cabin Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote the novel in 1852 It showed the evils of slavery Southerners claimed it did not show the true picture as Stowe had never visited the South This book changed the way many Northerners felt about slavery
NORTH Harriet Beecher Stowe Uncle Tom’s Cabin FOR SOUTH AGAINST Confederate Map (Dark Green)
Kansas Nebraska Act 1854 People living in Kansas and Nebraska would be able to vote using popular sovereignty Proposed by Stephen Douglass Violated the Missouri Compromise Led to Bleeding Kansas
Kansas Nebraska Act NORTH SOUTH Union Map (Dark Blue) AGAINST FOR Robert E. Lee
Republican Party The main goal of the party was to prevent the spread of slavery In 1856, southerners worried about the anti-slavery sentiment of this party In 1856 the Democrat James Buchanan defeated the Republican John Fremont
Republican Party NORTH SOUTH Abraham LincolnGeneral Albert S. Johnston FOR AGAINST
Dred Scott v Sanford Dred Scott was a fugitive slave who sued for his freedom The case went to the Supreme Court The Court ruled that Scott could not sue in court because he was not a citizen – he was property Congress could not outlaw slavery in any territories Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional
Dred Scott v Sanford NORTH SOUTH Dred Scott Chief Justice Roger Taney AGAINST FOR
Lincoln-Douglas Debates 1858 Illinois Senate race Democrat Douglas believed slavery should be decided through popular sovereignty Republican Abraham Lincoln gained national attention because of his speeches against slavery (Douglas won the Senate seat)
Harper’s Ferry John Brown decided to attack the federal arsenal at Harper’s Ferry to capture weapons for a slave uprising in Virginia He was captured, tried, and convicted of treason– he was executed Was he a good guy or bad guy?
Harper’s Ferry NORTH John Brown SOUTH J.E.B. Stuart FOR AGAINST
Election of 1860 Democratic Party split – John Breckinridge and Stephen Douglas Republican – Abraham Lincoln Constitutional Union – John Bell Lincoln was not on the ballot in 10 Southern states Lincoln won only 39% of the popular vote but 59% of the electoral vote
Election of 1860 NORTH SOUTH Abraham Lincoln John Breckinridge- Southern Democrat FOR AGAINST
South Carolina Secedes December 20, 1860 South Carolina seceded Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, and Texas seceded by February 1861 Confederate States of America elected Jefferson Davis as president in their first capital at Montgomery, Alabama Confederate states began seizing federal property – Fort Sumter, April 11, 1861
South Carolina Secedes NORTH SOUTH South Carolina (in red) White House AGAINST FOR