Report Region 3
Official Rick Kreider, Kansas Laura Mlacnik, Illinois Megan Swanson, Illinois Unofficial Jen Harper, Missouri Hafiz Munir, Minnesota Bill Stone, Missouri New Members
Reviewed Regional Operating Guidelines Completed in September 2013 Prepared & successfully hosted RAC 2014 Annual Meeting in Wisconsin Keep sharing information within the region Actively sharing information after the teleconferences (action items) Recently Completed Research Highlights Mentoring ◦ Rick Kreider, Linda Narigon, Peggi Knight
New regional leaders elected for 2015 TRB Annual Meeting transition ◦ Cynthia Gerst, Ohio, Chair ◦ Rick Kreider, Kansas, Vice-Chair ◦ Michael Townley, Michigan, Secretary Engagement: ◦ All states represented at RAC Annual Meeting Six states with multiple members ◦ All states submitted multiple High Value Research projects (39 total from 9 states) ◦ All states updated Research Unit Fact Sheets
RAC website updated with meeting minutes Regional Task Force membership up-to-date ◦ 100% of states represented on at least one Task Force All states have reviewed/updated state fact sheets Actively engaged with SCOR and RAC Leadership ◦ Never absent from RAC leadership monthly teleconference ◦ Two members on SCOR represent regional perspective New member mentoring ◦ Linda Taylor mentored Peggi Knight and Linda Narigon ◦ Cynthia Gerst mentored Rick Kreider
Peer Exchanges: Minnesota Lead State Pooled funds: Iowa, Kansas & Michigan Mid-Continent Transportation Symposium was hosted by Iowa; it is in Wisconsin in 2014
High Value of Research ◦ Each state submits three or more projects Keep sharing information within the region ◦ Actively sharing information after the teleconferences Mentoring focus ◦ Laura Mlacnik and Megan Swanson, Illinois ◦ Hafiz Munir, Minnesota ◦ Jen Harper, Missouri