PIDGEON-LESOSKY 101 A handy-dandy power point to help you score well on written assignments.


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Presentation transcript:

PIDGEON-LESOSKY 101 A handy-dandy power point to help you score well on written assignments

You will be faced with many writing tasks this year. The following notes apply to every single writing assignment in this class. Example Prompt: What kind of person is Scout? (take a second and brainstorm an answer)

FIRST STEP Write a topic sentence that answers the question with a claim/assertion/conclusion.

Consider the following topic sentences A. Scout is a girl. B. In To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee develops a really great character named Scout. C. Scout is a determined character. D. Harper Lee’s character of Scout reveals her nature as both a curious and observant young girl. E. The character of Scout in Harper Lee’s novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, has a strongly curious nature.

Step two Find at least TWO pieces of text evidence to support your claim/assertion/conclusion.

Types of text We will have two types of writing quizzes/tests – open and closed book. For open book quizzes, you will be expected to quote directly from the text. For closed book quizzes, you will be expected to paraphrase information from the text to use as support.

SELECT the PERFECT part of the text When you are quoting from the text (open book), you want to choose the heart of the quote – stop quoting entire sentences. You will not get points for longer quotes, in fact, you will probably lose points if you copy entire sentences. You want to find at least TWO different yet LINKED pieces of text.

STEP 3 WEAVING explanation/embeddin g text evidence Once you find your two pieces, you want to weave that text together with your own thoughts explaining the connection between your topic sentence and the text. Let’s look at some examples.

Consider the following examples A.Like I said, Scout is a “girl.” She is not a boy, but she has a brother named “Jem.” Scout loves to get into trouble, like when she sneaks around “Boo Radley’s house.” B.Scout is great because she explains to Miss Caroline, “He’s a Cunningham.” Scout is also a follower of Jem where ever he goes when she thinks, “[she] had no option but to join them.”

C. Scout’s determination is displayed when she confronts Atticus about not going to school. She also often tells Jem that she doesn’t think they should bother Boo Radley, showing her determination.

D. Scout’s curious nature can’t help but come out when she is tempted with the contents of the knot-hole. Although she is too afraid to chew the gum right away, she “examines” it, “sniffs” it, “licks” it and “waits,” until she can’t control her urge to “cram it into her mouth.” Scouts curiosity extends from the knot-hole to her father. She asks him questions constantly, and one day asks her father about the Tom Robinson case bluntly by saying, “Atticus, are we going to win it?” Her curious nature allows her to make sense of her surroundings, of things she doesn’t understand. Harper Lee suggests, through the character of Scout, that being interested in finding out answers and having an inquisitive nature produces maturity and understanding.

THE final Step After you have artfully woven text and explanation, you want to conclude with a statement that connects the topic universally – you are really getting to THEME here – avoid clichés. A good way to begin these concluding sentences is…Lee suggests…

Other considerations as you tackle writing assignments in this class: Do not use the first name of the author: Authors will be addressed in text with his/her first and last name (or just the last name). Using the first name breeds familiarity; you are not familiar with the author in this way. You are not best friends. Italicize the title of a book: I cannot reiterate enough on issue; it is imperative you learn this. Always address the prompt: Read, re-read, and read prompt again. Circle the words that describe what you are to write about. Read what you circle.

Other considerations as you tackle writing assignments in this class: Improperly embedded quotes: see your teacher if you don’t know how! Not embedding quotes at all: If you have no text evidence, you have no paper! Using entire sentences as quotes. Don’t do it! Pick out the key phrases! In lit analysis, Defining literary terms in essay. For example, “This quote is personification because memories can’t truly speak and give gestures.” Duh! We know – we are English teachers!!

Other considerations as you tackle writing assignments in this class: Lack of analysis; too much critique – i.e. “His use of figurative language is outstanding.” “Without the imagery, this book would be boring.” Who are you? A world renown critic? In lit analysis, not stating the device you are writing about - Diction? Imagery – which kind? etc. We cannot read minds. Overuse of "In the paragraph" and/or "In the novel" and/or “In the passage” AVOID Pronoun usage: we, our, they, it, us, he, she – minimal, minimal, minimal - Is overusing the word “minimal” ironic? Also, avoid use of first person “I” or second person “you” YIKES! Don’t make us reteach this one!!

And finally ---- DELETE THE DEAD WORDS a lot lotsbad bigcuzcus b/cuz goodjustlittlestuff I think In the story verywithout reallything/s I believe I feelIn the novelIn the book In conclusion