ELEG 648 Plane waves II Mark Mirotznik, Ph.D. Associate Professor The University of Delaware
Uniform Plane Waves: Propagation in Any Arbitrary Direction E H y x z
Uniform Plane Waves: Propagation in Any Arbitrary Direction E H y x z
Uniform Plane Waves: Propagation in Any Arbitrary Direction E H y x z Since E and are at right angles from each other. whereand
Uniform Plane Waves: Propagation in Any Arbitrary Direction Observation 1. E, H and vectors are pointing in orthogonal directions. Summary and Observations: Frequency Domain Time Domain Observation 2. E and H are in phase with each other, however, H’s magnitude is smaller by the amount of the wave impedance
Uniform Plane Waves: Propagation in 2D E H x y Can we write this a bit more compact?
Uniform Plane Waves: Propagation in 2D E H x y Can we write this a bit more compact?
Uniform Plane Waves: Propagation in 2D E H x y What about the polarization of E?
Uniform Plane Waves: Propagation in 2D E H x y What about the polarization of E?
Uniform Plane Waves: Propagation in 2D E H x y What about the polarization of E?
Uniform Plane Waves: Propagation in 2D E H x y What about the polarization of E? Two cases E H x y Parallel Polarization Perpendicular Polarization
Uniform Plane Waves: Propagation in 2D E H x y What about H?
Uniform Plane Waves: Propagation in 2D E H x y What about the polarization of H? Two cases E H x y Parallel Polarization Perpendicular Polarization
Reflection and Transmission Write down the electric fields in the two regions (2 unknowns, R and T)
Reflection and Transmission Next find the magnetic fields in each region
Reflection and Transmission Apply boundary conditions
Reflection and Transmission
Write down the E field in both regions (4 unknowns, R, T, r and t )
Reflection and Transmission Find the H field in both regions
Reflection and Transmission Apply boundary conditions 2 equations and 4 unknowns We need two more equations. How do we get them?
Reflection and Transmission
Angle of Incidence, Degrees Reflection Coefficient Example: Reflection from an Ocean Interface
Reflection and Transmission from Dielectric Slabs 1.Normal Incidence z=0 z=d Region I Region II Region III
Reflection and Transmission from Dielectric Slabs Region I:Region II: Region III: Boundary Conditions z=0 z=d
Reflection and Transmission from Dielectric Slabs Boundary Conditions z=0z=d Four equations and four unknowns Solution for the Reflection Coefficient:
Reflection and Transmission from Dielectric Slabs Special Cases I. Half Wavelength Thickness Slab z=0 z= 2 /2 Region I Region II Region III
Reflection and Transmission from Dielectric Slabs Special Cases II. Quarter Wavelength Thickness Slab z=0 z= 2 /4 Region I Region II Region III
Reflection and Transmission from Dielectric Slabs: Example z=0 z= m Region I Region II Region III
Reflection and Transmission from Dielectric Slabs: Example Frequency, MHz |R|
How do we broaden the bandwidth around the zero reflection point? Frequency, MHz |R|
One Solution is Multiple Dielectric Layers
Reflection and Transmission from Dielectric Slabs 1.Oblique Incidence ( Parallel Polarization) z=0 z=d Region IRegion IIRegion III ii tt rr II
Reflection and Transmission from Dielectric Slabs Region I: Region II:
Reflection and Transmission from Dielectric Slabs Region III: Boundary Conditions z=0 z=d Phase Matching Conditions
Reflection and Transmission from Dielectric Slabs Six Equations and Six Unknowns
Reflection and Transmission from Dielectric Slabs: Solution (parallel polarization) *note we have assumed all non-magnetic materials here
Reflection and Transmission from Dielectric Slabs: Solution (perpendicular polarization) *note we have assumed all non-magnetic materials here
Reflection and Transmission from Dielectric Slabs: Example z=0 z= m Region IRegion II Region III