FROM STRANGE INSULATOR TO SPIN-ORBIT CONDUCTOR: UNVEILING ORBITAL- SELECTIVENESS AT THE LAO-STO INTERFACE. M. Gabay Intensive course by A. Millis: OXIDE INTERFACES, April 4th, 2012 Ecole Polytechnique April 4th, 2012 Ecole Polytechnique
Jean-Marc Triscone Andrea Caviglia Stefano Gariglio Nicolas Reyren A. Fête M. Rozenberg A.Barthélémy, M. Bibes A. Santander-Syro
From diffusion to reconstruction…to confusion Band inversion (t 2g orbitals dxy dxz, dyz) (Electric field?) confinement on STO side (mind the dielectric constant) The carrier concentration puzzle It takes two (types of bands) to tango The Band story
Conduction depends on Nature of the layers in contact (SrO/AlO2 vs LaO/TiO2) Oxygen pressure Mobility Temperature # of LAO layers
Nature Materials 7, (2008) A 2DEG can also be produced at the surface of pure STO A.F. Santander-Syro. Et al, Nature 469, 189, 2011
A.D. Caviglia, S. Gariglio, N. Reyren, D. Jaccard, T. Schneider, M. Gabay, S. Thiel, G. Hammerl, J. Mannhart, J.-M. Triscone, Nature 456, 624 (2008 ) Diffusion SO metal Horizontal scale: use conductivity at given T, to compare phase diagrams from different samples
A strange insulator regime Surface reconstruction that avoids polar catastrophe A few oddities revealed by transport measurements in LAO/STO heterostructures A weird quantum critical point A dumbfounding parallel magnetotransport
|e i For the electronic states For the Cooper pair state Ioffe-Regel criterion for localization: k F l~1 Rs=h/e 2 Rs=h/4e 2 In fact localization at T=0 in 2D even if k F l>>1
d (~2-7nm) Drude part d < l (~ 5nm) Weak localization part d < Lin, Lso, Lh (~50 nm) Interaction part d <(D (ħ/k B T)) 1/2 From measurements of R sheet, n 2D and MR
Courtesy of A. Caviglia 1.12≤k F l ≤4 as T varies from1.5K to 20K
Courtesy A. Caviglia
In the strongly underdoped regime k F l~1
Band inversion (t 2g orbitals dxy dxz, dyz) (Electric field?) confinement on STO side (mind the dielectric constant) The carrier concentration puzzle It takes two (types of bands) to tango The Band story
Band inversion (t 2g orbitals dxy dxz, dyz) (Electric field?) confinement on STO side (mind the dielectric constant) The carrier concentration puzzle It takes two (types of bands) to tango The Band story
Band inversion (t 2g orbitals dxy dxz, dyz) (Electric field?) confinement on STO side (mind the dielectric constant) The carrier concentration puzzle It takes two (types of bands) to tango The Band story
et al, Nature 469, 189, 2011
xz, yz orbitals extend deeper inside the bulk
Band inversion (t 2g orbitals dxy dxz, dyz) (Electric field?) confinement on STO side (mind the dielectric constant) The carrier concentration puzzle It takes two (types of bands) to tango The Band story
Appl. Phys. Lett 94, (2009) Courtesy of A. Caviglia
p O2 =10 -5 mbar 10 uc
Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, (2011) p O2 =10 -3 mbar 10 uc
p O2 = mbar Tc=0.12K
Band inversion (t 2g orbitals dxy dxz, dyz) (Electric field?) confinement on STO side (mind the dielectric constant) The carrier concentration puzzle It takes two (types of bands) to tango The Band story
Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, (2009) p O2 = mbar 10 uc
A.D. Caviglia, S. Gariglio, N. Reyren, D. Jaccard, T. Schneider, M. Gabay, S. Thiel, G. Hammerl, J. Mannhart, J.-M. Triscone, Nature 456, 624 (2008 ) Diffusion SO metal
T=1.5K Perpendicular magnetoconductance for different gate voltages A. Caviglia et al PRL 104, (2010) WL correction to conductivity in the diffusive regime A large spin-orbit effect is uncovered B SO = 0 /4 D SO B el = 0 /4 D B in = 0 /4 D in
Rashba spin-orbit coupling ħ SO = E SO ~ 2 Ek F 1/ SO = SO m * =( h 2 / E)√ B SO / 0 H= ( E x P ). s (Drude)= - (WAL)- e-e) - (Super)
m* max ~2.2m e
PRL 106, , 2011 ns~ cm -2 xz, yz orbitals extend deeper inside the bulk
B Rashba = ( ExP ) xy band is isotropic in xy plane Model xz,yz bands as 1D, xz is // current At Γ point, Exz~E F ; Exy<<E F / = - 1/8 ( /E F ) 2
B=7T Courtesy A. Fête
A. Caviglia et al PRL 104, (2010)