peacock dogbane beetle opal Thin Film Interference
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Reflection from a dielectric slab: n IoIo Reflectance: IRIR (near normal incidence) R = 0.04 for glass To consider interference between the front and back reflection, assume they have the same amplitude: 0.04 I o ( n = relative index)
Dielectric Films n Assume near normal incidence: What is ? Physical path difference: 2 t t Optical path difference:
Wait!! Reflections can cause phase shifts! First reflection: phase shift Second reflection: no phase shift “Reflection” path difference: Total phase difference: ConstructiveDestructive How does this lead to color?
white n t o (nm) R t = 400 nm, n = 1.515, = 0
For varying angle of incidence: normal and 45 degrees 045
4% per interface adds up!
Goal: R = 0, T = 1 (Impedance Matching) E k n g n o Can only adjust n
nfnf nono E k ngng Antireflection coating
Antireflection coating: two requirements n f = x t n s = 1.5 n o = Destructive interference:
1. Equal amplitudes:
Reflections from the front and back surfaces of a dielectric slab result in two plane waves with an optical path difference and therefore exhibit interference. The interference effects can be engineered to minimize reflectance or produce pretty colors.