J Fusion Energ (2011) 30:433–436 DOI /s OR IGINAL RESEARCH Filament Temperature Dependence of the Nano-size MgO Particles Prepared by the HWCVD Technique Seyed Majid Borghei Samira Kamali Mohammad Homayoon Shakib Arezoo Bazrafshan Mahmood Ghoranneviss Published online: 15 March 2011 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011 Abstract Metal oxide nanoparticles play an important role in many nanotechnical applications. Among these, magne- sium oxide has attracted great attention in different applica- tions. Here, hot wire chemical vapor deposition (HWCVD) method was employed for the deposition of magnesium oxide nanoparticles on pre-ultrasonically cleaned P type Si (111) substrates of 1 cm 9 1 cm. High purity magnesium ribbon was heated up to high temperatures in the vicinity of tungsten filament in oxygen surrounding medium at a constant working pressure. The samples were deposited by the proposed method and their properties were studied by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), X-ray Diffraction (XRD) and Energy Dispersive X-Ray spectroscopy (EDAX). The key parameters of our experiments including results of changes in filament temperature on the properties of Magnesium oxide nanopar- ticles are presented here. The mean size of the nano MgO Particles was between 80–120 nm. Keywords Hot filament chemical vapor deposition (HFCVD) Magnesium nanoparticles Filament temperature Introduction MgO is one of the basic important metal oxides with many interesting aspects. MgO exhibit excellent chemical, S. M. Borghei (&) S. Kamali M. H. Shakib A. Bazrafshan Department of Physics, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran M. Ghoranneviss Plasma Physics Research Center, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, P. O. Box , Tehran, Iran thermal, electrical and Optical properties such as inertness [1, 2], high melting point [3] and high temperature stability [1, 2], electrical insulation with wide band gap [2] and low dielectric constant [3], optical transparency [2] and refractory property [1]. Thus, because of this wide range of properties, it has also found a broad range of fundamental to industrial applications. Different methods for prepara- tion of MgO have been reported such as magnetron sput- tering deposition [4–6], atomic layer deposition [7], pulsed laser deposition [8], laser ablation [9], molecular beam epitaxy [10] or electron beam evaporation [11], chemical methods like CVD [12, 13], MOCVD[14], PECVD [15] or decomposition of various Mg salts [16] and sol–gel [17], spin coating sol–gel [18] and dip coating sol gel[19]. Dif- ferent kinds of MgO nanostructures have been reported in the literatures for example MgO nano powder [20] or nano particles [21–23], nano rods [24], nano tubes [25] or nano wires [26, 27], nano belts [28] and nano cubes [29]. In this study, we report on HWCVD technique for preparation of MgO nanoparticles. The paper is organized as follows. Other works on the synthesis of MgO nano- particles were briefly reviewed in introduction. In Sect. 2, the main conditions and key parameters of our experiments by HWCVD technique including the general view of reactor chamber used in the study are presented. Results of change in the filament temperature and its effect on the size of nanoparticles are discussed in Sect. 3, because some properties of metal and metal/oxide nanoparticles are size dependent. Finally, in Sect. 4, conclusions are summarized. Experimental Details Magnesium oxide nanoparticles were deposited on P type Si (111) substrates of 1 cm 9 1 cm by using a typical 123