Derek Meinke (ME, PM) Matthew Liff (ME) Tony Zhang (EE) Zaw Htoo (ISE)
Where We Are On schedule! Full understanding of Customer Needs Project Plan and Gannt Chart Risk Assessment Began process of Concept Generation
Long Awaited Team Logo AMORFIX - A Morphing Fixture for Photoreceptor Charge Testing
Team’s House of Quality Customer Requirements Customer Weights Voltage Input (5-8kV) Surface Speed ( ≤ 1m/s) Drum Size (24-84mm) Charger Type (BCR or Scorotron) Charger Gap (1-2mm) Dielectric Thickness (~25 µm) ESV distance (1-2mm) Budget ($2k) Uniform Erase Charge (-100V) Surface Charge (-300 to -800V) Uniform charge distributionUniform charge distribution 14% Accept multiple photoreceptor diametersAccept multiple photoreceptor diameters 12% Uniform pre-charge eraseUniform pre-charge erase 12% Allow any charge device configAllow any charge device config 11% Accurate drum speed controlAccurate drum speed control 11% Parallel ESV axis with photoreceptorParallel ESV axis with photoreceptor 9% Easily changeable componentsEasily changeable components 6% Voltage reading across entire drum lengthVoltage reading across entire drum length 6% Data for both aluminum substrate & prod. PRData for both aluminum substrate & prod. PR 6% Proper safety measuresProper safety measures 4% 91 1 Generate minimal ozoneGenerate minimal ozone 3% Below target budgetBelow target budget 3% Allow different dielectric thicknessesAllow different dielectric thicknesses 2% Easy to use data acquisition menuEasy to use data acquisition menu 0%
Customer’s House of Quality Customer Requirements Customer Weights Voltage Input (5-8kV) Surface Speed (≤1m/s) Drum Size (24-84mm) Charger Type (BCR or Scorotron) Charger Gap (1-2mm) Dielectric Thickness (~25µm) ESV distance (1-2mm) Budget ($2k) Uniform Erase Charge (-100V) Surface Charge (-300 to -800V) Allow any charge device configAllow any charge device config13% Easily changeable componentsEasily changeable components11% Allow different dielectric thicknessesAllow different dielectric thicknesses11% Voltage reading across entire drum lengthVoltage reading across entire drum length9% Parallel ESV axis with photoreceptorParallel ESV axis with photoreceptor8% Easy to use data acquisition menuEasy to use data acquisition menu8% Repeatability Data for both aluminum substrate and prod. PRData for both aluminum substrate and prod. PR8% Uniform pre-charge eraseUniform pre-charge erase7% Accurate drum speed controlAccurate drum speed control6% Proper safety measuresProper safety measures4% 91 1 Alignment of charger with photoreceptorAlignment of charger with photoreceptor4% Accept multiple photoreceptor diametersAccept multiple photoreceptor diameters3% Below target budgetBelow target budget1% Generate minimal ozone 0%
What We Learned Charge device configuration is most important (previously 4 th ). Easily interchangeable parts. Repeatability is new customer need. Don’t assume.
Gantt Chart
Risk Assessment Risk Management Table - Revision /17/2009 IDRisk Item Likelyhood Severity Importance Action to Minimize RiskOwner 6Faulty equipment224 Obtain quality equipment, look into obtaining MSD lockerAll members 7 ESV/Erase Lamp/Charger gap problems224 Run multiple tests to determine best location, have faculty guide review fixture, make it variableMechanical Engineer 8Weather affecting travel212 Have good communication, use Tortoise SVN and EDGE, online chat discussions availableAll members 9Customer priority changes122Constant communication with customerAll members 14Hard to change components236 Create a manual, use more clips than screwsMechnaical Engineer 15 Aluminum substrate is in contact with motor ground133 Include a switch, use insulating material at contact, generate many concepts Mechanical / Electrical Engineer 18Lack of Labview skillset326 Additional research time, utilize faculty expertise Industrial Systems Engineer *19 total risks so far
Concept Generation (ME)
Concept Generation (EE) Power supplies will be provided to us from our customer, Xerox. Trek Cor-a-trol Model 610C High Voltage Supply o High Voltage Supply ( 0 to ±10kV ) o Current Supply ( 0 to 2mA rms )
Concept Generation (EE) Recommended motors and specs have also been provided. For Photoreceptor Drive (S83-93) For ESV slide (S57-51)
Concept Generation (ISE/EE) LabView User Interface Input DataOutput Data Start/StopVoltage across photoreceptor Velocity of photoreceptorGraph (Voltage Vs cross-sectional length of photoreceptor) Diameter of photoreceptorGraph (Current Vs Voltage if aluminum substrate is attached) Type of photoreceptor (Finished or Unfinished) Slope of the voltage across the photoreceptor Type of Charger
Action Items How much does inner diameter of photoreceptor vary with outer diameter? Should ESV scan speed vary with photoreceptor rotational speed? Can power supply be turned on through LabView?