MOF overview
MOF recent review issue view.aspx?id=105680
Nets derived from the net of the primitive cubic lattice (pcu). Deconstructing the Crystal Structures of Metal–Organic Frameworks and Related Materials into Their Underlying Nets Michael O’KeeffeMichael O’Keeffe *†‡ and Omar M. Yaghi *‡§*Omar M. Yaghi* Chem. Rev., 2012, 112 (2), pp 675–702 DOI: /cr200205j
SBUs Figure 5. (a) The Re 6 Se 8 (CN) 6 unit. (b) The same abstracted as an octahedral SBU. Chem. Rev., 2012, 112 (2), pp 675–702
Linkers Chem. Rev., 2012, 112 (2), pp 675–702
Science 18 January 2002: Vol. 295 no pp DOI: /science
Intergrown nets Figure 4: Catenation of rings in nets intergrown with their dual structures. The nets are shown augmented with triangles at the three- coordinated vertices and octahedra at the six-coordinated vertices. a, A pair of identical rings in the self-dual pyr net of MOF-150 (ref. 11). b, A six-membered ring of the qom net (red) of MOF-177 catenated with a ring of the dual net (blue). A pair of three-coordinated vertices are directly linked, as are pairs of six- coordinated vertices. Nature 427, (5 February 2004) | doi: /nature02311; Received 9 September 2003; Accepted 16 December 2003
Microstructures Figure 14. (a) Top- and (b) cross-sectional view the ZIF-8 membrane synthesized by secondary growth technique. Reproduced with permission from ref Chem. Rev., 2012, 112 (2), pp 933–969
Properties Crystal structure of zinc-adeninate MOF. ZN2+, dark blue tetrahedra; C, gray spheres; O, red spheres; N, blue spheres; H, omitted for clarity. I Nature Communications 3(604), 2012; DOI: /ncomms1618 …exhibits a high surface area (4,300 m 2 g −1 ), one of the lowest crystal densities (0.302 g cm −3 ) and the largest metal-organic framework pore volume reported to date (4.3 cm 3 g −1 ).
CO2 adsorption Figure 12. A portion of the crystallographic structure of Ni 2 (dobdc) following dosing with CO 2. Green, gray, and red spheres represent Ni, C, and O atoms, respectively; H atoms are omitted for clarity.(193)(193) documents/articles/materials-science/metal-organic- frameworks/ni-mof-74.html
Separations componentapproximate percentage (vol %) H2H2 70–80 CO 2 15–25 CO1–3 CH 4 3–6 Table 10. Components of the Shifted Products of Steam Methane Reformation(417)(417) Chem. Rev., 2012, 112 (2), pp 724–781
Ferroelectric MOFs Figure 9. Structures of [(NH 4 )Li(C 4 H 4 O 6 )]·H 2 O in the paraelectric phase (293 K): (a) unit cell along the c axis and (b) layer structure in the ab plane. Green dotted lines represent hydrogen bonds. Temperature dependence of dielectric constant of (a) [(NH 4 )Li(C 4 H 4 O 6 )]·H 2 O Chem. Rev., 2012, 112 (2), pp 1163–1195