High Impact Publications Appl. Phys. Lett. 5 Biochemistry 2 J. of American Chem. Society7 NatureMaterials 1 Nature 3 Phys. Rev. B 25 Phys. Rev. Lett. 16 Reported January 2010, for awards starting from Status and Highlights User Collaboration Grants Program
Laboratory EnhancementsUser PIs Silicon micromechanical Faraday balance for absolute magnetization 1/063 OPO laser for IR spectroscopy in conjunction with ICR 1/073 Temperature control of 3 He rotator probe for superconductor measurements 12/068 Time-resolved reflection, photoluminescence & Kerr spectroscopy, in 17 T and 31 T 10/076 Time domain spectroscopy 200 GHz- 1 THz, 5/092 Photoluminescence probe with fiber-free light retrieval 1/091 AFM cantilever tip as the active element in a dilatometer 9/092 Thermal conductivity and specific heat measurements for high fields 1/0516 Rotator for pulsed critical currents measurements at different temperatures 4 /091 Low temperature HEMT based NMR preamp, for high B/T facility 5/081 Moessbauer facility 2/072 Probe and coils for in vivo NMR with 900 MHz and 600 MHz magnets 1/ MHz high B 1 homogeneity dielectric resonator for NMR 5/091 Triple resonance 600 MHz “low E” probe 3/101 Dbl. resonance low E magic angle spinning probe for 750 MHz bio. solid state NMR 12/082 High resolution visible spectrometer with LN2-cooled CCD 7/091 Microscope-based setup for room temperature Raman spectroscopy 8/091 Status and Highlights User Collaboration Grants Program
as of summer 2010, mid-point in current award period Program has proven its usefulness and is highly competitive Present funding level around $100k/year for two years, 6-7 proposals per year funded depending on budget levels Without loss of quality several more proposals could be accepted per year Raising funding level even modestly, e.g. to $120k per year, is more realistic for the future, with tuition increases expected in Florida, and already very high personnel cost at LANL. Vision User Collaboration Grants Program