Pack power into your lunchbox Packed lunches do not have to mean boring sandwiches everyday. Pack up your lunch using foods from the 5 main food groups as shown in the Eatwell Plate
Fruit and Vegetables keep you healthy Aim for 2 portions for your lunch e.g. 1 portion = 80g (fresh/frozen/tinned or dried) e.g. a handful of vegetable sticks 1 medium pear/banana/apple Bread, rice, potatoes and Pasta fill you up 1-2 portions for your lunch e.g. 1 portion = 1 medium/thick slice of bread Meat, fish, eggs, beans help you grow 1 small portion for your lunch e.g. 1 portion= 2 eggs 1 portion = 3 slices of chicken/turkey/ham/beef (size of pack of playing cards) Food and drinks high in fat and/or sugar 0-1 portions at lunchtime Milk and dairy foods look after your teeth and bones 1 small portion for your lunch e.g. 1 portion = 1 small (150g) pot of yoghurt The Eatwell Plate
To Drink? Always include a drink to stay hydrated and help concentration. Water, milk, or unsweetened fruit juice are the best options Occasionally, try adding a fruit smoothie made from natural yoghurt, mixed berries or a home-made milkshake (try mixing semi-skimmed milk with puréed strawberries or banana).
Keep it Cool Use a cool bag and an ice pack Store in a cool place away from a radiator Put in the fridge at school/work if possible Freeze smoothie/milk based drinks then they can defrost through the morning
Super Sandwiches - Daily Bread Granary bread or rolls Wholemeal bread or rolls Multi grain bread or rolls Mini wholemeal baguettes Bagels Pitta bread Tortilla wraps, chapattis Cheese scones Oat cakes, crackers or breadsticks
Super Sandwiches- Fabulous Fillings Always add salad to your sandwiches for extra crunch Use low fat spreads, dips and mayonnaises Ham, chicken, turkey, lean beef, egg Tinned tuna, salmon, mackerel, sardines Hummus and grated carrot Lower fat cheeses, e.g. Edam, mozzarella, low fat cheddar, cottage cheese Falafel
Fed up with sandwiches? Home-made pizza with plenty of chopped vegetable toppings e.g. peppers, mushrooms, sliced courgettes. Home-made Spanish omelette with potato, courgette and tomato, or broccoli and tomato Quiche with vegetables and cheese, try to choose options that are lower in salt and fat Homemade soup, e.g. tomato, butternut squash, lentil, vegetable Salads – rice, pasta or noodle salads with lots of chunky vegetables. Try adding tinned beans and pulses Include some vegetables e.g. cherry tomatoes, carrot sticks, cucumber, celery, peppers, mangetout
Something Sweet Fruit and fruit salad - apples, bananas, grapes, oranges, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries and grapes are all naturally sweet. Try tinned fruit in its own juice with no added sugar. A handful of dried fruit, such as raisins, apricots, figs or prunes Stewed fruit (without added sugar). Try stewing apple with raisins and cinnamon. You could add a spoonful or two of natural yoghurt to the fruit. Scones, fruit bread, malt loaf, plain biscuit such as rich tea Low fat/low sugar yoghurt, fromage frais or rice pudding Plain popcorn or a small portion of unsalted, plain nuts
Take a look at what is available.... Based: Crompton Health Centre Telephone number: Website: Visit We are a fun and friendly team and aim to support you to gain the knowledge, skills and motivation to eat well and feel great!
10 Baby’s First Food sessions: 90 minute session on when & how to introduce solid food to babies Sessions take place every Monday or Tuesday morning in a different Children’s Centre each week (16 centres every 8 weeks) Parents are invited to their nearest session by their health visiting team but can attend any (partners & grandparents welcome) Informal and interactive Offers advice and practical tips on how to introduce solid foods, progress through the weaning stages and suitable family recipes
11 Happy Healthy Toddler Club courses: 7 week healthy lifestyle course for families with 1-4 year olds Consists of a 2-hour session each week which includes: 15 minute – Family activity time 15 minute – Family snack time 90 minute – Parent only group session Focuses on healthy eating/portion sizes, fussy eating/managing mealtimes, positive parenting, label reading and recipe ideas Delivered at various Children’s Centres across Bolton (6 a year) For more information or to book your place, contact the Food and Health team on
12 week healthy cooking courses for adults 2 ½ hour session each week where participants: Prepare a full meal from scratch to take home Watch demonstrations of other dishes Develop a recipe folder to take home Learn about healthy eating, food hygiene & cooking on a budget Brownlow Fold Community College, Halliwell New Bury Community College, Farnworth Deane and Derby Community College Costs only £2 per session. For more information and to book your place call the Food and Health Team on