TJR Feb 10, 2005MICE Beamline Analysis -- TRD SEPT041 MICE Beamline Analysis – TRD SEPT04 Tom Roberts Muons, Inc. February 10, 2005
TJR Feb 10, 2005MICE Beamline Analysis -- TRD SEPT042 Outline Brief Summary of the SEPT04 beamline design Updated for the December 17 TRD Brief Summary of this simulation Summary of rates Particle Distributions in PID Counters and the downstream IronShield
TJR Feb 10, 2005MICE Beamline Analysis -- TRD SEPT043 TRD SEPT04 Layout TOF0 TOF1 Ckov1 Iron Shield TOF2 Ckov 2Cal ISIS Bea m Diffuser Proton Absorber Iron Shield
TJR Feb 10, 2005MICE Beamline Analysis -- TRD SEPT044 Summary of the SEPT04 Beamline Design π + central momentum (B1)390 MeV/c μ + central momentum (B2)220 MeV/c μ + central momentum in Tracker1 – design 206 MeV/c μ + central momentum in Tracker1 – achieved 169 MeV/c* Diffuser thickness (Pb)0.76 cm Design input emittance6 π mm-rad * The intent of the design is for 206 MeV/c in Tracker1, but various energy losses were not accounted for in the design; this is the actual value achieved.
TJR Feb 10, 2005MICE Beamline Analysis -- TRD SEPT045 Summary of this Simulation A significant improvement in realism: –First guess of the beamline vacuum, windows, air gaps, etc. –More detailed implementation of Tracker1 and Tracker2 Vacuum with windows 5 planes, 1.5 mm scintillator each, located as in the TRD (Dec ) –TRD (Dec ) configurations for everything except a few minor things (absorber and RF window shapes)
TJR Feb 10, 2005MICE Beamline Analysis -- TRD SEPT046 Summary of Rates DescriptionLAHETGeant4MARS 1mm x 100mm, 10m from target33,400 TOF TOF Tracker Tracker TOF Good μ Values are events per millisecond of Good Target; absorbers empty, no RF. Good μ + = TOF0 & TOF1 & Tracker1 & Tracker2 & TOF2 & TOF1(μ + ) & TOF2(μ + ) Major changes from before: 2 in. total thickness of TOF0 and TOF1 ~20% reduction in Good μ+ ~50% larger target acceptance ~10% increase in TOF0 singles, ~1% in Good μ +.
TJR Feb 10, 2005MICE Beamline Analysis -- TRD SEPT047 Momentum Histograms (Placed together to facilitate comparisons)
TJR Feb 10, 2005MICE Beamline Analysis -- TRD SEPT048 PID Counter Distributions Same simulation, except: –The downstream IronShield is physically removed Its effect on the magnetic field remains Replaced by a virtualdetector 800 mm square (Air) at its downstream face –All counters are made large enough to see everything TOF0, TOF1, TOF2 are 800 mm square Cherenkov1 is 800 mm square Tracker1 and Tracker2 are 200 mm in radius Cherenkov2 is 800 mm in radius Calorimeter is 2000 mm square –Relaxed ThroughParticle Trigger: requires only 15 hits out of 17 counters (i.e. nothing after TOF2 is required) –Good-μ + = ThroughParticle & TOF1(μ + ) & TOF2(μ + ) The TRD size of each counter is displayed as a green overlay on each plot.
TJR Feb 10, 2005MICE Beamline Analysis -- TRD SEPT049 TOF0 TRD Size 480x480
TJR Feb 10, 2005MICE Beamline Analysis -- TRD SEPT0410 Cherenkov1 TRD Size 400x400
TJR Feb 10, 2005MICE Beamline Analysis -- TRD SEPT0411 TOF1 TRD Size 480x480
TJR Feb 10, 2005MICE Beamline Analysis -- TRD SEPT0412 Iron Shield (hole) Missed mu+ = 8, Singles=1326 Good mu+=1321 TRD Size r=250
TJR Feb 10, 2005MICE Beamline Analysis -- TRD SEPT0413 TOF2 - X TRD Size 480x480 Missed mu+ = 5, Singles=1326 Good mu+=1321
TJR Feb 10, 2005MICE Beamline Analysis -- TRD SEPT0414 TOF2 - Y TRD Size 480x480 Missed mu+ = 4, Singles=1326 Good mu+=1321
TJR Feb 10, 2005MICE Beamline Analysis -- TRD SEPT0415 Cherenkov2 - r TRD Size r=400 Missed mu+ = 3, Singles=1326 Good mu+=1321
TJR Feb 10, 2005MICE Beamline Analysis -- TRD SEPT0416 Calorimeter - X TRD Size 1200x1200 Missed mu+ = 1, Singles=1326 Good mu+=1321
TJR Feb 10, 2005MICE Beamline Analysis -- TRD SEPT0417 Calorimeter - Y TRD Size 1200x1200 Missed mu+ = 1, Singles=1326 Good mu+=1321
TJR Feb 10, 2005MICE Beamline Analysis -- TRD SEPT0418 Conclusions The December 17, 2004 TRD includes minor changes from earlier beamline analyses. –The major one is in TOF thicknesses, which costs about 20% in the good mu+ rate The PID counter sizes in the TRD miss ~0.7% of the good mu+. The hole in the downstream IronShield kills ~0.6% of the good mu+. Most of these are the same mu+ missed by TOF2.