Russian Federation: Development planning at the municipal and regional levels Integrated Assessment and Planning for Sustainable Development Second Review.


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Presentation transcript:

Russian Federation: Development planning at the municipal and regional levels Integrated Assessment and Planning for Sustainable Development Second Review Meeting Geneva, September 21-22, 2005

2 Project objectives Raise the stakeholders’ awareness of IAP benefits; Enhance the stakeholders capacity to use IAP; Enhance the involvement of ‘non-traditional’ stakeholders into the planning/policy-making process; Strengthen cooperation within the planning/policy-making hierarchy: vertical and horizontal tiers; Facilitate the design of integrated programmes on the regional & local levels (ESE integration)

3 IAP: current status

4 VISION Long-term strategy up to 2020 Five-years strategic plan Annual (operational) plan Annual plans of structural divisions of the Tomsk Oblast Administration Objectives covered within planning process The outcomes of the regional planning process

5 Population welfare, living standards and life quality Level of population income Labor productivity Oblast budget Employment Oblast competitiveness Economy structure Conditions for business development Natural and other resources Access to external investments Human capital Strategic focus Regional culture, traditions and values Social structure Efficiency of natural resource use Environ- ment Strategic goals Sources of competitiveness Dependence of the population welfare and life quality in the region on the competitiveness of the regional economy

6 Every typology can serve as a basis for the formulation of Tomsk oblast vision, the achievement of which is connected with the definite focus of the Oblast Administration Region “The source of raw materials” “The center of knowledge and innovations” Region “Production site ” ● Regional typologies can evolve over time ● In regions with uneven structures several typologies can co-exist Targeted regional typologies that can be implemented by 2020

7 IT, biotechnologies, research and educational sector, “new economy”, electric engineering, and instrument making industry Gas and petroleum sector, nuclear sector, food industry, engineering industry (electric engineering and instrument making industry excluded) Timber industry, gas and petrochemical sector, agriculture 1 st priority 2 nd priority 3 rd priority Industry priorities of the oblast

8 Social Professional Age Public and political Federal Regional Municipal Global National Regional Local Population groups Authori- ties Economic subjects Map of key stakeholders in Tomsk Oblast Forms of Participation – workshops, focus-groups, meetings with experts, working groups, sessions of Higher Economic Council and the Board for Environmental Protection and Natural Resource Management of Tomsk Oblast, social polls, on-line communication with the population

9 Population welfare, living standards and life quality Level of population income Labor productivity Oblast budget Employment Oblast competitiveness Economy structure Conditions for business development Natural and other resources Access to external investments Human capital Strategic focus Regional culture, traditions and values Social structure © Strategica © ОГУ «Облкомприрода» Social structure Transition from socio- economic goals to sustainable development goals

10 Consideration of Global, National and Regional Trends in the Course of the Analysis of Industries Development potential of an industry in the oblast Russian trends Global trends, including scenarios to improve sustainability Current situation in an industry in the oblast, including environmental impact assessment Macroeconomic deve- lopment scenarios, taking into account environmental costs and restrictions Possible typologies of the oblast Analysis outcomes Assessment of development parameters of an industry in the Oblast at different combinations of 4 and 5 taking into account the influence of 1, 2, 3: 1. Output in an industry 2. Employment ….. 5. Pollution intensity (pollution per unit of output )

11 Development Scenarios for Gas&Oil Sector: Production Growth and Environmental Costs Environmental Costs, thousand rubles P R O Output, mln.$ P – pessimistic R – realistic O - optimistic Current situation

12 Development Scenarios for Prior Industries: Production Growth and Environmental Costs Environmental costs, thousand rubles Output, mln. $ IT and telecommunication Nuclear sector O P R O P R O P R O P R Petrochemical industry Research Non-timber forest products O R P Timber industry

13 FOREST RESOURCES OF TOMSK OBLAST AND TIMBER INDUSTRY IndicatorTotalRural forests Forest area, mln. ha ,65 Timber reserves, mln. m Total industrial timber reserves– 310 mln. m 3 Industrial output,– 54 mln. $ Number of employees – 7400 people

14 Non-timber forest products of Tomsk Oblast Exploitable volume of the most important non-timber forest products per year Resource Actual reserves Cost, mln. rubles Pine nuts, tons Mushrooms, tons Berries, tons The income of the gatherers ~ 13 mln. $ per year Number of employees ~ 3000

15 Development Trends of Key Industries (Realistic Scenario) Social Benefits Environmental costs Zone of sustainable development Zone of unsustainable development Economic Activities Traditional nature use -Low environmental costs -High employment increase -Medium level of average wage increase Timber production -Medium environmental costs -Low employment increase or decrease -Medium level of average wage increase Oil &gas -High environmental costs -Low employment increase or decrease -High level of average wage increase -Medium environmental costs -High employment increase -High level of average wage increase Research&Education

16 Federal Executive Authorities : Tomsk Oblast Branches of Federal Agencies dealing with environment, health, natural resource use, emergences Federal Executive Authorities : Tomsk Oblast Branches of Federal Agencies dealing with environment, health, natural resource use, emergences Higher Educational Institutions, Research Institutes Tomsk Oblast Executive Authorities: Tomsk Oblast Administration and regional departments dealing with environment, health, natural resource use, emergences Tomsk Oblast Executive Authorities: Tomsk Oblast Administration and regional departments dealing with environment, health, natural resource use, emergences Enterprises, organizations, institutions, individuals Environmental NGOs Local Self-government Authorities The Board for Environmental Protection and Natural Resource Management Stakeholders’ consultations within Strategy Development process

17 Objective 1. Providing sustainable development and environmental safety of Tomsk Oblast

18 Objective 2. Saving and development of natural capital

19 Value of natural capital Per 1 citizen, thousands USD Strategic objective: - Availability of natural resources and transparency of nature use; - Effectiveness of natural resources use for the regional economy and population; - Improving of the quality of the environment Objective 3. Improving of environmental attractiveness for the investments

20 Strategic impacts

21 IAP Conclusions Key advantages : –Changing the development focus from the resource use to innovative technologies and research/educational sector. –The environmental and social considerations were taken into account within planning/consultation process; Disadvantages –The integration of development and environmental goals haven’t been achieved; –A serious problem is the lack of vision and recommendations for the districts in depression

22 Recommendations (1) To continue the assessment/planning process, visualizing interconnections of economic and environmental dimensions To integrate environmental considerations and development goals. To achieve this: –specify the vision, discuss it with the public; –outline the connections between the development, social and environmental goals, specifying goals where necessary; –Strategic Plan: to specify, taking into account all necessary connections;

23 Recommendations (2) To analyze and specify the consistency of the municipal and regional planning, suggest mechanisms of more interactive coordination at the different levels Improvement of the planning process and expending the social basis of the strategy implementation can be achieved by : –More active stakeholders’ involvement in the planning/assessment/implementation process including vulnerable groups and affected communities; –More interactive communications between the regional and municipal levels

24 Local planning: case studies of Moryakovsky and Rybalovsky Okrugs

25 1.Planning/Assessment process is driving by Tomskyi District Administration 2.The timeframes – April – May, 2005 The scheme of IAP Tools of IAP Stakeholder analysis and mapping Involvement of key stakeholder groups in the planning process Revealing of key environmental, social and economic issues Vision formulation Setting of goals and objectives; specifying of implementation mechanisms and indicators 1. Consultations with stakeholders 2. Assessment of the Situation Analysis, the vision, goal, objectives, mechanisms of the program implementation, 3. Consultations with stakeholders

26 Key planning achievements By the time: –Main issues have been identified through consultations (within the planning process); –Program objectives are being re- considered and discussed on the IAP basis; –Program will be finalized in November on IAP basis

27 Conclusions and recommendations: The initiative of local planning is valuable; The IAP process should be continued; The tools of ‘direct democracy’ could be effectively implemented on the settlement basis; Vision should be developed, priorities should be specified. The Action plan should be developed on the basis; The efforts require to achieve the interactive (two-ways) coordination between local, municipal and regional programs.

28 Economy Department of Tomsk Oblast Administration Address: Tomsk, Lenina, 6 Tel.: , The presentation was made by the Tomsk Oblast Administration, EAC Ecoline, Center of Environmental Audit and Management Address: Tomsk, Kirova 14, Tel.: , Department of Natural Resources of Tomsk Oblast Administration Address: Tomsk, Kirova 14, Tel.: , EAC Ecoline Address: Moscow, Valovaya 32/75 Tel.: ,