University of Padeborn Bosnia and Herzegovina Agency for Development of Higher Education and Quality Assurance of Bosnia and Herzegovina “Bosnia and Herzegovina Qualifications Framework for Higher Education – BHQFHE“ Paderborn, January 29th – February 1st 2014 University of Padeborn
Institutional Establishing of HEA Independent governing organization established under FLHE in 2008 Started operating in 2009 HEA competences defined in three articles of FLHE In charge of development of specific provisions and recommendations for HE, standards, norms To provide QA of higher education system in BiH (State Register of Accredited HEIs, standards and criteria... )
Organizational Structure Total employment: 35 Curent employment: 20 + 2 short term contract
HEA and accreditation process Creates a legislative framework for accreditation defining purpose, duration, obligation etc.. Adopts criteria and standards, giving a statement on quality independently through the fulfillment of criteria ACCREDITATION (statement on the fulfillment of criteria given in the independent procedure) MINISTRY INDEPENDENT AGENCY HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION Sets up internal QA system by applying criteria and standards
Documents adopted so far Decision on Criteria for accreditation of higher education institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, (Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina 75/10), Decision on Criteria for Accreditation of Study Programs (Official Gazette of BiH 44/13) Decision on norms for determing minimal standards in higher education in BiH (Official Gazette 100/11) Decision on manner of setting up the Commission for the election of national and international experts who conduct quality assessment and review and give recommendations on accreditation of higher education institutions and study programmes, Instructions on the format and general content of Diploma and Diploma Supplement issued by accredited higher education institutions (Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina 86/09),
Documents adopted so far Rulebook on keeping the state register of accredited higher education institutions, Instruction on the assessment of the compliance of the decision on accreditation with criteria and minimal standards in higher education Recommendations on criteria and standards to the ministry of Republic of Srpska, cantonal ministries and the Brčko District of B&H for the establishment and closure of higher education institutions and re-structuring of study programmes, Recommendations on criteria for licensing higher education institutions and study programmes The Decision on criteria for the election of national and international experts who conduct quality assessment and review and give recommendations on accreditation of higher education institutions and study programmes (Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina 88/09)
Accreditaton process so far Аppointed 10 commissions of experts Issued 6 recommendations on accreditation 5 HEIs accredited and included in the State register of accredited HEIs Closed public call for application for the election of national and international experts – elected 101 candidates and should be approved by relevant educational authority
Our plan and method for realization To become full member of ENQA and listed in EQAR To strengthen capacities of relevant education bodies To continue with supporting institutions to foster quality culture To revised regulations on HE, specifically in the field of quality assurance To conduct analyze after 1st cycle of accreditation finished IPA 2011 Twinning project "Strengthening institutional capacities for quality assurance“ started in September 2013 Implementation period 24 months Beneficiaries: HEA,higher education institutions, relevant educational bodies
QF in BiH Baseline of the Qualifications Framework of BiH adopted by Council of Ministers („Official Gazette of BiH“ No 31/11) the first document in BiH dealing with the qualifications framework for all levels of education It requires further development over the coming years In addition the Council of Ministers in 2008 adopted the Decsion on Adoption of the Documents for Further Implementation of Bologna process in BiH. These documents also include the „Higher Education Qualification Framework in BiH“ prepared on the basis of the Framework for Qualifications of the EHEA Higher Education Qualifications Framework in BiH is integrated in the Baseline of the QF in BiH
Inter-sectoral commision Inter- sectoral Commission for the development of the QF in BiH appointed by the Council of Ministers of BiH in January 2013 for one-year mandate(„Official Gazette of BiH“ No 9/13) HEA representative member in Inter- sectoral Commission ISC finalized the Action plan for development and implementation of QF in BiH (2014 -2020)
OUR EXPECTATION Realization of specific project objectives is of particular importance for BiH considering the lack of adequate links between qualifications and competences for any working position and lack of coherence in the existing qualifications systems in BiH. After the implementation of the Project: HEA capacities for BHQFHE development strengthened BHQFHE model created and implemented at institutional levels included at the level of study programs and piloted at HEIs
Agency for Development of Higher Education and Quality Assurance Husein Nanić, PhD Agency for Development of Higher Education and Quality Assurance BA – 78000 Banja Luka, Blvd. Stepe Stepanovića 11 P: +387 51 430 510, F: +387 51 462 302 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION!